
"I want you to come over to mine." She bit her lip. I knew what she wanted, I didn't feel like it but she wants it so I'll give it to her.


She grabbed my arm and dragged me into her car.


[Jasmine's pov]

I met Mandy outside of school. She smiled and pulled me into a hug "Lets get you home."

I nodded and we got into the car. She drove out of the school car park and onto the main road. I just looked out of the window and thought about my life.

My life isn't all great but there are some ups. Like Mandy, my brother, my mum....well that's it really. I don't have anyone else except for them, but I love them dearly.

The bad things in my life. I have a lot of them but I don't want people to feel sorry for me. I just live with the pain but always remember there is someone out there going through worst than me. And that's the people that others should be sorry for. Not me.

Mandy pulled up to my house
I gave her a hug and thanked her for dropping me off. I hopped out of the car and she drove off. I walked up to my door when I saw Jungkook and Georgia walking up the road. Hand in hand and smiling. Jungkook looked up and saw me. His face dropped, I quickly unlocked my front door and ran inside.

I shut the door and put my hands against it breathing heavily. I looked up and saw a note

📝 note:
Jassie I working the late shift tonight and you're brother is at Auntie Dena's house for a sleepover with your cousins. There is lasagna in the oven . I will be home in the morning. Call me if you need anything.
Mum xxx

I sighed and walked upstairs to my room. I threw my bag on the floor and started to undress. I was just in my underwear.

I looked in the mirror. You could see my rib cage through my skin. My thigh gap has gotten wider and my arms were really small. I look unhealthy, even though I'm skinny. I still don't feel happy.
"Maybe I should eat something."
I put on some shorts and a t-shirt and went downstairs to the kitchen. I opened the oven and there was a plate of lasagna with sweet corn and garlic bread. I took it and went to sit at the table.

I looked at it.

With me and food it was like a battle. Every time I ate it was like I was force feeding myself. I hated it.

I picked up my fork and took some of the mince. I slowly brought it up to my mouth.
I hesitantly placed it in my mouth.

I stopped eating. I tried and I did my best.
I ate half of what was on my plate.
I was proud of myself. I put the food in the bin and went back to my room.

I laid down on my bed and sighed. Even though I didn't eat much I felt fat again. I sat up and stared at my bathroom. I didn't want to but my brain was telling me yes.

Hopping off the bed I walked into the bathroom. I knelt down and stuck my finger down my throat.

I threw up again.


I texted Mandy

Me-Mandy I did it again.

💕Bestie❤️- Oh babe, you need to see someone about it.

Me-Idk what's wrong with me

Me- I don't want to be like this, sometimes I feel like ending it.

💕Bestie❤️-I'm coming over. We need a serious talk.

Me- okay.

💕Bestie❤️ offline

I put my phone down and was holding a razor blade in my hands. I was shaking like mad sitting in the corner of my bathroom. I had the blade to my wrist. Tears rapidly fell from my eyes.
I pressed the razor down on my wrist


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