Chapter Thirty One

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"You-" Yuric hissed, going to take a step forward before Kristofer held him back, his hand barely wrapping around his bruised arm.

"Yuric." Kristofer pointed to the treeline on their left. Lily turned her head, dreading to see more rogues surrounding her.

Andrew and his pack stepped into the clearing, metres from the first puddles of electrified water that surrounded Lily. The alpha's blue eyes were gone, replaced with the beastly black of his wolf. He stood tall with his pack, both shifted and human form, behind him showing his force. Ryan stood on his left. His eyes snapped to Lily and widened at the lightning stuck on her free arms.

Thanks unintentionally to Lily, the battle was now in favour to Andrew. His force of werewolves were unbroken, even though Lily spotted a few bruises amongst them. All the rogues couldn't lift a finger let alone fight. Though most of them could stand, if they were as loyal as they seemed, would be trying to get their kin away from the fight rather than charge into it.

The rogues were outnumbered - and Lily was absolutely certain of it when Jack stepped through the horde of wolves and in front of Andrew, much to his annoyance. The witch narrowed her eyes on the leveled graveyard, at Lily standing in the middle by a smoking mound and the rogues hiding in the treeline.

"Hi." Was all Lily could think to say, flabbergasted that her friends were here for her. She could see Jack's eyes roll at her words, a smirk lift on Ryan's face, before Jack stepped forward again.

The witch lifted her head to Yuric, a smirk planted on her face. "You must be Yuric! News flash; you lost, idiot! Give Lily back!" She shouted.

Lily's mouth turned up hearing Jack's voice. Yuric snarled at her words, struggling in Kristofer's tight grip, desperately wanting to rip out the witch's throat. "You dare to speak to me! I am an Alpha! I am-"

"The loser, yes we already know," Jack interrupted, "now give Lily back!"

Yuric raised his arm and the rogues crouched ready to spring into war, but Lily saw the unease on their faces. They weren't fit to fight, they'd lose, and when Kristofer's grip tightened on Yuric's arm, the rogue leader realised it too.

They were in a stale mate, each pack of werewolves waiting for the other to move. So Lily moved first, taking a step towards her friends. Yuric's eyes narrowed on the sight, itching to leap for her, but one misstep and he'd be seizing face down in a pool of charged water.

With each slow step Lily took towards her friends, Yuric trembled further with rage. There was nothing he could do but watch helplessly as Lily walked away. She'd leveled the field and only she could walk through it. They could only watch as their chance for freedom from power leave.

Jack stepped back, seeing her friend walk towards them without resistance. "Well, apparently we're not needed! Shall we head off? That place next to the ice cream parlor does twenty-four hour pancakes."

Lily's fatigue had a firm hand around her neck. Her right arm was still not moving, but she didn't need it to walk back to her friends. She swayed on her feet as exhaustion clawed at her body, begging her to lie down.

Ryan went to step forward before Andrew grasped his shoulder. "You can't touch the water." His eyes narrowed on the puddles that littered the ground.

"But Lily's-"

"I'm not going to lose you to a puddle." Andrew snapped, watching Lily slowly stumble towards them, unafraid of the electrified water. "She's coming to us."

Ryan watched helpless as Lily made her way over. There were still metres to go, minutes before she'd reach them thanks to how large the graveyard was. Her feet wobbled as she accidentally stood on a crumbled headstone, her balance skewering for a heartbeat before she righted herself and carried on.

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