Chapter 3 Bad and good news..

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No ones POV

The sun rose. Pride rock was shining because of the bright sun. It seeped through entrance to Pride rock. Simba woke up before anyone and he woke Nala up.
"Nala, are you going to tell them today?" Simba asked
"Yes, wake them up please." Nala smiled.
Simba woke up the pride and everyone gathered around in a circle.
"Okay so I have some exciting news.." Nala started, "I'm pregnant!"
The Pride cheered in joy. Nala and Simba looked at Kopa and he was just in shock.
"I want a baby brother!" Kopa shouted.
Everyone laughed and they were dismissed from the circle. Nala nuzzled Simba, they were excited to have their another cub or two.

Kopa went back to the watering hole, by himself. His father is letting Kopa start to be responsible but he's not aloud out for long. Zira comes to the watering hole and hides in the grass. She stalks Kopa until he bends down to get a drink and BAM. Zira pounces on Kopa, picks him up by his scruff, and carries him. Once Zira got to the Outlands she put him down in her den.
"Mother! Who is this?" Nuka asked. Nuka is Zira's eldest cub, but is too weak to be a king.
"It's the Prince that hurt my little Vitani."
Kopa was shaking in fear.
"Now I'm going to worse then hurt you!" Zira yelled and smacked Kopa to the ground, knocking him out. She clawed him and bit him until she was sure he was dead. 
"Nuka! Bring this cub to the watering hole but be quick! Simba can't see you." Zira demanded her son. Nuka did as he was told and laid Kopa down.


Nala's point of view:

I couldn't hunt with the hunting party, even though I was only a month pregnant it could be dangerous to the cub. I walked down to the watering hole to meet my mom there. I thought I saw something strange. I walked over to the still object. It was a cub! Wait.. Is that my Kopa?!
"Simba!" I screamed in fear, sadness, and anger. I started crying so hard that I fell to the ground. Simba came rushing to me.
"Nala?! What's the problem?!" He didn't noticed our dead first born.
"S..Simba.. Kopa.. look.." I could hardly talk. Simba looked at our lifeless son. Our eldest. The future king.. Simba joined me in crying as the rest of the females who weren't hunting ran over to comfort us.
"Nala.. I'm so sorry.." my mother nuzzled me. "But this stress could hurt the cub. You should just go in Pride rock and get some rest.."
I nodded and got up. Simba followed me and we just sat there. Our first cub was dead. The next ruler is dead. Our new cub will grow up without his or her brother.
"Simba.. we shouldn't have let him go on his own.." I cried.
"I know Nala, I know.." he nuzzled me and I cried until I fell asleep.

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