Chapter 2 Trouble

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Kopa's point of view:
Zazu and I reached Pride Rock. I was confused on why we had to rush home so soon. I sat as Zazu talked with my dad.
"Sire! Kopa was playing with an Outlander!" Zazu reported.
"Who?" My dad asked.
"Vitani.. Zira's daughter." Zazu whispered.
"I'll have a talk with him Zazu."
     "Yes Sire." Zazu said as he flew away. I began to worry about what I did wrong.

    "Kopa. I should have told you something." My dad said as he sighed. "Outlanders are from Scar's Pride, my uncle. Scar killed your grandfather and blamed it on me. He took over the Pridelands and acted as if I were dead. When I returned we had a war and Scar was killed by the hyenas."
   I looked at him in confusion. "Okay.. but why are you telling me this?" I asked.
   "Because that cub you were playing with is an Outlander. Not only an outlander, but she is Zira's daughter. Zira is Scar's mate." My dad replied, his voice getting louder and louder.
I gasped after he told me that Vitani was an Outlander. No wonder I've never seen her before! "Okay dad. I'll stay away from her." I smiled at him..
"Good, thank you Kopa. Now go to your mother it's bath time for you." He smiled back at me.
"Ugh daaad." I whined as I went into Pride rock. My mom grabbed me and licked me clean. "Okay okay you're done. You're messing up my mane!" I wiggles away and waited for the hunting party to come back. I was getting bored after a while so I decided to go back to the watering hole by myself.

Vitani's POV:
Kopa was really nice. I hope I can see him again soon. He's the only friend I have. Wait.. I made a friend! "I made a friend! I made a friend!" I shouted while jumping into my home.
  "Vitani! Hush!" Mother screamed.

  "Sorry mother. But I made a friend!"
  "Who is this friend of yours?" Mother asked but really didn't seem to care.
  "Oh! His name is Kopa! He had a weird bird following him, I think his name was Z..Za... Zaza..?" I forgot his name. Mothers eyes widened.
  "Do you mean Zazu?" She asked
  "That's it! You got it mother!" I said cheerfully.
  "Where did you find this.. friend?"
  "At the watering hole!" I wonder why mother wants to know everything.
"Okay, good Vitani.. good girl.." she said.

That was weird.. I went to the watering hole again to see if Kopa was there.  Sure enough, he was.
"Hi Kopa!" I ran over to him
"Hi Vitani.." He sounded sad.
"Kopa what's wrong?"
"Vitani I cant hang out with you. You can't even be here. I'm not supposed to talk to you. Go away.." Kopa looked away.
"What? What do you mean?" I started to get scared.
"Go Vitani.."
"No I will not go un-" I was cut off.
"I said GO!" Kopa growled at me.
"Ugh! Some prince you are." I ran away back to my mother, crying.
"Vitani dear, what's wrong?" She actually cared for once.
"Kopa! He said I can't be his friend and that I can't go to the watering hole... he growled at me too.." I sadly said.
"There there Vitani. I'll get revenge..." I don't know what she went by that but I assume it's nothing bad... right?

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