Instead, he had a worried look on his face, but it was quickly replaced by a smile.

"Eve, we were fighting because your friend Bobby killed himself. I didn't know, so I asked something that you weren't ready to hear."

That's seemed pretty believable. I could remember that Bobby was dead and that I talked to his sister. About what I couldn't recall.

"Eve, I know that when I asked yesterday the timing wasn't right so let me try again, now," Alistair grabbed my hands in his, "Evelyn Harley, will you be my girlfriend?"

I let the question hung in the air as my eyes widened. Alistair looked so hopeful and convincing. I couldn't just say yes or no. This was so fast. I hadn't ever had a boyfriend. Plus, I had so much else to think about at the moment. But this one voice inside begged me to say yes. I wanted to say.

"Al-" I started

But my response was cut off by the women that let me off without punishment. She still made shivers run down my spine.

"Today you all will be taking you physical ability test. There will be two sections to it this year. The first section requires you to complete a series of obstacles. These obstacles will evaluate your speed, agility, and strength. The second section of the test is new this year. You will be put in a certain situation to see how you respond to it," the women to a deep breath, "There is one more thing I must inform you of. You all must know by now that your peer Bobby committed suicide. With that horrific even we have decided to eliminate your day of rest tomorrow to speed The Choosing along. We need no more tragedy. So, prepare yourselves and we will be starting the Physical Ability Test now. When I call you names, please stand at the front with your heat."

I took a deep breath myself and looked at Alistair. He smiled but still looked at me expectantly. I knew what I needed to do. I just wasn't sure if I wanted to. My contemplation was cut short when my name was called.

"I wish you the best!" Alistair called.

I smiled sadly and muttered back, "As I do you."

It was going to be awful telling him I just wanted to be friends.

I quickly made my way to the front and stood next to a beautiful black girl with curly hair and light eyes.

After a few more names were called we were all being led out of the building. It was time, and honestly, I wasn't sure if I was ready.

I took a deep breath and removed all other thoughts from my mind. At the moment all I was, was a fifteen-year-old girl. All I was going to do was take a test. I was going to give it my best and that's all that mattered.

If only it were that easy.

I walked over to the start of the obstacle course and it looked hard. I knew immediately what the issue would be for me though. I was strong so I would be able to to the obstacles the required lifting things and using brute force. But the ones that required speed or balance would be an issue. As my parents would say I am not a dainty little flower. I liked that about myself though. It meant that I could take care of myself.

But what was in front of me was daunting, to say the least. As far as I could see there were ropes, beams, and flimsy ladders. That's the fact that I wasn't sure how the course was graded was scarier. Was I supposed to do it fast or well? God, I hated not knowing things. That was my life though, full of being in the dark.

"All right," A large man said calling my attention to him, "One at a time you all are going to complete this course. Well, you'll attempt to complete it. Skipping an obstacle will lower your score. As will not finishing, so beware. Arrows on the ground will guide your way. Your score will be generated based on time, efficiency, and way of completion. Of course, other elements will come in to effect as well. The first person in this heat to complete the course will be Evelyn Rose Harley. Could you please step up to the starting line? The following person will be Alora Hardin you may step up behind Miss. Harley."

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