Chapter Four - Your Heart

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Have you ever been to the hospital and the doctor would say your blood levels are good your iron is not low? Your probably wonder what that has to do with your heart. My hands and feet stay extremely cold but my iron and health is good. One day I was talking to my Glammom and she said that its because I have a good warm loving heart. I started to smile because I knew it was true. Your heart will be shattered heartbroken stepped on and some more things. Some people get fed up to the point your heart or you can't take anymore bull from anyone. You may come across someone who you put everything on the line for and they just shatter your heart and that one heart break is all it take for you to change your heart from being that person who help everyone to not caring about anyone because of one heartbreak. I out of all people understand that feeling never let anyone change you or how your heart operates or work for people. I can say that the people that has good hearts tend to focus so much on others people and their needs that we forger that we need to take time to tend to yourself. I know that a person has been hurt so many times like me but still found a way to be able to still have a loving big heart for others. I have a question that I want you to ask yourself. Have you ever regreted having a good heart? The reason I asked is because sometimes I regret having a good heart I feel that people use and abuse my kindness for weakness and I always end up suffering in the end with a cracked heart. I don't regret because God made me this way for a reason and I can't change how I was created. You can change how people deal with you and treat you. No matter if it's with some one in your family who hurt you and left you to tend to yourself to pick up the pieces just don't change stay the same just become stronger. Your heart is the most central and innermost thing in your body that has love. Take care of your heart because so much stress an other bad things can cause your heart to become in pain. If you ever thought about it yes you feel emotions through your body but your heart is the most important place where you will feel emotions. Your heart can be so good that other people who aren't you or aren't going through the same thing won't understand what it means to have a good heart. When you have a good heart you will always be sincere to anyone. No matter if you tried to you have to be honest with a person no matter what because you know that it will help them with whatever they are going through. Forgiving people that did you wrong also is a sign of you having a good heart. Now I need you to be careful when forgiving people when having a good heart. Its only so much that a good hearted person can take before we completely shut someone out of your heart. People may say oh you don't have a good heart because you shut me out. That's not true as good hearted people we always give people more then one chance but you are human its only so much you can take before you realize that person doesn't deserve your or you heart so it's time to move on because you can't take the pain its causing your heart and you need to know that is fine it doesn't change your heart or you.

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