Chapter 5: When its time for you to be stubborn!

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In life you choose to be stubborn only because we choose to be average. Being Stubborn also comes from fear, have you ever been a situation where a person has tried to make you see otherwise but you so stuck in your own ways that you don't care about their opinion! Well Hello Your Stubborn. In live everyone has to have a switch when to turn on your stubborn side and when to turn it off. When you love a person we sometimes need to be stubborn to push you and whoever you feels need it but not going overboard. Stubborn can be good or bad depending on how you use it. For example in a lot of my working days in retail I had to enforce the rules and if they didn't listen I had to bring that stubborn side out. I am a Taurus so I was naturally born stubborn I'm a Bull. We sometimes are born with things that was pasted down for generations or we were given many different gifts and talents by God himself. Is there something in your life you feel like you need to change so you won't be so feel so fearful of life and not making good or bad decisions

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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Mar 21, 2023 ⏰

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