I would've walked away graciously if Yibo was the one kissing her, but the bitch was throwing herself at him when he clearly didn't want her back. Oh the irony I thought but I still couldn't let this continue. Somehow I was more than happy to oblige. I loudly cleared my throat.

The blonde finally releasing him to look at me, at first she looked stunned to see me and then her expression turned to amusement. I didn't look at Yibo.

"Oh sorry sweetie, I didn't hear you come in. Just got a little distracted" she smiled clearly satisfied with her kiss with Yibo, I was going to love bursting her bubble. I chuckled without humour walking towards them "Yeah, I bet you would've If you didn't force yourself upon a man who is clearly not that into you" I said icily. Her brown eyes bulged in shock; she looked at Yibo then at me.

"How dare you speak to me like that" she spat, standing up "You better watch it, or else I will have him throw you out on your behind"

"I doubt that" I replied,

"You see I live here, question is who are you?"

She looked surprised then she smiled "You didn't tell her about me Yibo?"

"No" Yibo replied, stifling a laugh.

"I'm Ling, a long time friend of Yibo's," She said, lifting her chin.

"Ah a friend looking for benefits?" I asked innocently

Yibo chuckled and Ling gave him a scornful look then she turned to me

"And who the hell are you?" she asked, clearly irritated, I walked up to her.

"I'm Zhan, his lover" I said as a matter of fact, she staggered back as if she'd seen a ghost. I had never been in a catfight before; I avoided getting into one with Mei over Lou. But I would fight for Yibo even though it was faked.

She looked at Yibo now.

"You have a gay lover?" she asked incredulous

"Yibo slowly nodded "I asked him to move in with me just recently" he said just as convincingly,

"I'm sorry Ling," I said, feeling anything but.

"Don't you sorry me you little bitch," she hissed

"Watch it Ling" Yibo warned; I couldn't believe he was defending me.

"Yibo, stop this madness. Sure you've had casualties here and there but you never had a lover before. You want to know why? Because it's always been you and me, we are supposed to end up together" she persisted.

I nearly puked on myself at how desperate sounded; she didn't want or love Yibo. She was just wanted what Yibo could give her.

"He's just a phase Yibo, soon enough you'll get sick of him. You don't love him, do you?" she asked.

Yibo looked at me with that same concealed emotion in his eyes, I once again was mesmerized.

Ling gasped and we both looked at her "No, it can't be" she murmured to herself
"You do love him, don't you?"

Yibo didn't say anything, I already knew the answer to that; he just didn't want to blow his cover.

"All the women and men that have tried to touch that stone you call a heart but to no avail, was all for him in the end?" she asked, turning to look me up and down bitterly.

"Then again I always knew this would eventually happen. Of course if you were ever going to fall in love with any of us,I never expected that it was going to be some gay from all of that, I just never thought he really existed" she said, her tone slightly sad.

What was she saying? Yibo falling inlove with me? Oh no, she must have me mistaken with someone else. She walked up to me so we were facing each other

"I wouldn't get too comfortable here If I was you, he may think he loves you now but I know him, and trust me sweetie very soon you will be out of here so fast your pretty little head will spin" she spat.

"You may think you know him Ling but you don't, you only see what you want to see. I know women like you, spoilt little rich girl who always gets what she wants and always wants to increase her trust funds. You don't care about Yibo, you only care about his possessions," I said, and a felt her hand sting me across my face. Yibo pushed her away from me, clearly angry now

"I hope that makes you feel better, I really do" I said, actually meaning it.
"You arrogant bitch, I've known him my whole life and you think you care more about him?" she hissed

"Yes" I replied without flinching.

I could feel Yibo's gaze on me, but I couldn't meet it. I had to stay focused in order to see this charade through.

"You've said more than a mouthful Ling, and quite frankly I don't have to put up with you, so I think its best if you leave" I said turning to get the door for her, ready to be over with this.

"You're not going to let him kick me out, are you?" she asked, expectantly.

"Goodbye Ling" Yibo replied with finality, she staggered back.

"If I walk out that door Yibo I'm never coming back, it's either me or him" she nearly shouted. Jeez did she have to give him an ultimatum?

"Him" Yibo said too quickly, well that was a shocker to both of us.

"Fine, to hell with the both of you" she spat glaring at Yibo. She stopped in front of me too and gave me a 'this isn't over' look then walked out; I closed the door.

Only it was over, for me at leased; if she ever came back she wouldn't find me here. I walked back into the lounge and Yibo leaned against the wall facing me, he started laughing and I joined him "You're welcome" I said.

"So we only play the lover card on your terms?" he asked

"Exactly" I confirmed.

"I'm actually disappointed you interrupted us," he said chuckling

"I didn't interrupt you, from the looks of things I saved you" I chimed.

"Oh yeah? And you know that how?" he teased.

"Simple, she was forcing herself onto you and you were clearly not interested" I offered

"ohhh" he said, smiling.

At leased we were now having a proper conversation, teasing instead of glaring and snapping at each other. It was a welcomed change,

"Are you ok?" he asked referring to Ling slapping me. He used his soft, soothing voice, a voice I had grown to love and a voice I hardly ever heard,

I took a deep breath, taking it in. I didn't know when I would have the pleasure of hearing it again. "I'm fine," I said, my voice shaking slightly,

It was completely unfair and unhealthy for him to have this much power over me.

"Did I seem interested when you kissed me?" he asked suddenly and I paused.

"I wouldn't know." I whispered truthfully, glad that I didn't blush at the memory of that night.

"You have no idea do you?" he whispered back

"Of what?" I asked, confused. He wasn't making any sense.

"Never mind" he said, "I'll be in my study"

He turned and walked away; I could only stare at him like an idiot.

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