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Olivia knew truly how much a treehouse for their daughters meant to Elliot, so she printed off some blueprints for a treehouse that was a decent size. She knew that Avery and Elliot would probably crash in it the first night, so she wanted to make sure that it was big enough for her husband and daughter to sleep in. So, on their first night at the house, Olivia gave Elliot the blueprints along with one of their credit cards.

"What's this?" Elliot asked, as his wife climbed into bed beside him. He had grabbed the rolled-up paper that was tied up with a red ribbon and looked at it with confused blue eyes.

"It's a gift. Look at it." Olivia smiled. She rested her hands on the top of her bump as she looked over at her husband.

Elliot unrolled the paper before smiling when he saw the blueprints.

"You picked one out?" He smiled, and Olivia nodded.

"I thought that this one looked the nicest. And, I'm giving you this card to use to buy the supplies to need. You and Avery can decide what you want it to be." Olivia smiled. Elliot took the card from where it had fallen onto the bed before sitting it and the blueprints onto his bedside table. He leaned over and kissed his wife several times before smiling.

"You are the best, Liv." Elliot breathed, and Olivia smiled.

"Oh, I know I am. Now, when are you gonna want to start?"

"Tomorrow. I want to have it built before Lillian gets here." Elliot smiled.

"Sounds good! I'll make sure that Avery is ready to head to the store with you to help you pick everything out." Olivia grinned.

"Are you going to join us?" Elliot asked, and his wife laughed and shook her head.

"I took a full week off of work to help move things in. Tomorrow is my last day off, and I don't plan on spending it picking out lumber and paint." Olivia grinned. She reached over and patted his leg before slipping down under the sheets and reaching out to her husband. Elliot sank down beside her before holding her close.

"Thank you, Liv."

"As always, you are welcome."


As Elliot looked around his backyard from the platform that he and Avery had built as the first step in making the treehouse that he was going to keep up for years. He was going to make sure that his children had so many memories in the treehouse, that they would never want for it to be torn down.

But as he sat there staring down at the yard, memories started to flood back and they caused tears to run down his cheeks.

"This looks awesome!" A young Elliot smiled, as he stood on the ground surrounded by his siblings. They were all looking up at their complete treehouse that their mother had let them build. She had taken them to get the supplies, then she also took the girls to Goodwill to get some cheap items to decorate the treehouse with.

"For the runt of the family, you really helped out." Elliot's older brother, Tyler, smiled as he ruffled his brother's messy brown hair.

"Stop calling me a runt." Elliot huffed before he went running towards the ladder they had built on the tree. He climbed quickly before standing on the small deck outside of the main house.

"Jump around a bit, Elliot! We want to make sure it won't break." Tyler teased, but Elliot was so happy right now that his siblings involved him in something, that he wasn't angry at the teasing. He ran around the house before running back out onto the small deck and looked at his siblings.

"Let's try to sleep up here tonight! We can tell scary stories and eat snacks! C'mon, will you guys do this with me?" Elliot begged, and his siblings shared glances before nodding slowly. After all the shit Elliot has gone through since he started to speak, they knew they had to try and keep their brother happy so that he wouldn't tell anyone about the beatings.

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