
742 35 1

9:53 PM

The bus ride home from the café was the longest one ever.

At least it felt like that.

My phone was burning in my palm the entire time, the urge to lash out on the gorgeous male who slept with another woman incredibly tempting. But I managed to suck it up, my itchy fingers kept to themselves as I watched the citylights flash by.

Finally back home in front of my apartment complex, I sigh before starting the climb on the stairs, heading for the third floor. I move slower than usual, my body feels tired and somehow — empty.

How do I feel about this?
I feel betrayed, I feel stupid, I feel embarrased.

I exhale and push away the hair that's all over my face before fiddling with the keys to my apartment.

My brows furrow when I push down the handle and the door opens — it is unlocked.

Holding my breath as I tiptoe inside I feel the panic get to me, making me grab my stilletto heel that's thrown in the entrance. I clutch it in my hand, ready to strike whoever broke into my home. I check all the rooms, all clear. Except my bedroom — inching closer and closer to my bedroom door I notice the 5 inches it's opened.

I slowly peak inside and what catches my eye makes me huff out loud.

I kick open the door and cock up an eyebrow at the two males sitting firmly in my bed, cuddled up in my blankets — my laptop in front of them as their eyes dart to my frame instead of the computer's.

They widen their eyes and look at each other, before jumping up from the bed.

"Mira, welcome home! We waited for you, come here and snuggle up with us." Taehyung says, his arms grabbing my shoulders before leading me to my bed, fixing the pillows neatly before making me sit down.

I plop down, my eyebrows raised as I look at my two best friends.

"You broke into my apartment?" I state, making them gasp dramatically.

"Hold up girl, we literally own a key to this miserable rat house." Jimin replies, getting a kick in the side with Taehyung's elbow for the sharp tone.

Jimin sighs, before nodding at the other male.

"But we wanted to make you company tonight. We thought you might be—" Jimin tried, his voice unsure on how to continue.

"I'm not bawling my eyes out, am I?" I cut him off, a small smile on my lips.

Jimin and Taehyungs eyes lighten up, making them clap their hands.

Taehyung stops abruptly after a few seconds, his eyes narrowing at my petite figure that's almost drowning in the blankets on the bed.
He inches closer and study my features, his breath fanning my face.

"You've had tears in your eyes." He says.

"No I haven't."

"Oh love, you have. I can see your concealer is smudged at the corner of your eyes."

I sigh and roll my eyes at him, making him grin wide to my displeasement.

"Well I'm fine. It's not like he was my boyfriend or anything ..." I say in a low voice, nippling at my lower lip.

Jimin holds up both of his hands for me to stop talking, before he starts running out of the room.

"Hold up bitch, we need the icecream we bought! Or else it's not a real best friend-comfort!"

𝐑𝐨𝐬𝐞 & 𝐊𝐧𝐢𝐟𝐞 ➳ BTS [✓]Where stories live. Discover now