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Da'Viyah Skylar Jones

I woke up and stretched , I looked around and remembered that I had slept in the hospital bed with Nasir last night.

I was careful to get out of the bed because I didn't want to wake Nasir up .
I kissed his cheek and tip-toed to the bathroom .

I had to brush my teeth first then I got in the shower .
I dried off and put on my underclothes so I could lotion up and put on the clothes that I was going to wear today .

After getting dressed I asked Ray to come pick me up from the hospital so we could ride together to school.
By Friday I should have my own car and I was beyond happy!

When we got to school people were staring in my face and whispering, I rolled my eyes and went to class .
I could already tell today was going to be a long day.

As I was sitting in class I heard someone whisper behind me to the person next to them and say "you heard about demon being shot, I heard somebody in this school had something to do with it?"

I was patiently waiting to leave school .
I get out at 12 and I had to be at work by 2.


I was happy that school was finally over.
I didn't feel like walking to the hospital but it looks like I have no choice .
As I was walking out of the school I seen Kan in the parking lot.

Whew was I glad that I didn't have to walk today .

We stopped and got food before going to the hospital.

We went straight to Nasir's room , when we walked in he was sitting on the edge of the bed signing his release papers .

They put him in a wheelchair and rolled him to the car .
It was so funny because the whole time he was in there he was just cussing and fussing for no apparent reason.

My stuff that I brought to the hospital last night was already in the car .
I got in the backseat and ate my food.

We were heading to Nasir's house and I was glad he was coming home.
He needed to stay on bed rest but I knew he wasn't going to listen.

Life with a KINGPINTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon