Chapter FIVE

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Da'Viyah Skylar Jones

The rest of the evening went pretty good. Money was really a good person to be around. It was never a dull moment with him.

After eating we went to the movies and he dropped me off at home.

By the time I got home it was 7 and I was bored so I called up my girls and asked them what the move is .

They came over my house and brought their clothes without even deciding where we were going.

"Y'all know that new club Sin City ?"Rayelle asked . Me and Cam both shook out heads clueless trying to figure out what club she was talking about.

"Well it's a club and we're going" I was confused as to who the hell was going to a strip club on a Sunday? Mind you I'm 17 how the hell am I going to get in a club? Plus we have school tomorrow .

"Um Ray how the hell are we suppose to get in a club ?" I asked . "Girl my brothers and Nasir own the club so we good"Ray said .

Cam got ready first then it was me then Ray . After all of us were dressed and ready we took pictures grabbed our purses and got in the car to leave .

 After all of us were dressed and ready we took pictures grabbed our purses and got in the car to leave

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By the time we get to the club it's 10, it took us 3 straight hours to get ready 🤣.

The line is long asf and I just knew we wasn't finna be standing in that long ass line . Rayelle walked up to the bouncer and smiled and he let us in. On the way in we were receiving dirty looks I mean it's not our faults that we were getting in before them 🤷🏽‍♀️. Mad ass hoes

When we walked in all eyes were on us I mean we did look bad asf tonight so I just knew we was going to have everyone's attention anyway 😘.

Ray orders our drinks and we go straight up to the V.I.P section. We each took 3 shots of Hennessy. Ray and Cam kept taking shots but after the third shot I was done . I'm not really a drinker .

As I was sitting there laughing at Ray and Cam I see Nasir and his boys heading this way.

They spoke and sat down with us . I really wasn't tripping cause I didn't care.

Ray was talking to Kan and Cam was eyeing Maj. Maj moved to the other side of Cam and they started having their own conversation leaving me to talk to Nasir.

"So wassup you still not gone give me your number ?" I rolled my eyes and said "What exactly do you want with me Nasir ? If you looking for a fuck buddy its sure as hell not finna be me cause I don't even get down like that" he looked like he was just tooken back about what I just said .

"First off little girl if you think I just want what's between your legs then you are all the way wrong. If I just wanted some pussy I wouldn't even be talking to you right now I'll be round here fucking don't you think ? But nah I'm sitting here trying to get yo attention and believe it or not I'm gone make you mine."

Now it was my turn to be shocked but he wasn't finna know that .

I heard my song come on so me and my girls instantly jumped up to go to the dance floor .

I was throwing it back on Ray but I felt something hard poking my butt I turned around to see Nasir .

I wasn't about to be no lame ass bitch so I threw it back a li harder and to my surprise he was catching it 🤣.

After the song was over we went back to the V.I.P section to sit down .

Nasir tried to get me to sit on his lap but I refused.

We was just chilling in the club,Nasir started to tell me a little about himself .

Next thing i know shots are being fired. Nasir ducks down and pulls his gun out to start shooting back .

I tried to crawl to my friends to see were they good but they were on the other side of the club.

Nasir picked me up and put me in his car gave me the keys and locked the door. He told me do not unlock the door for nobody at all .

I let the seat all the way back so nobody would see me in the car .

Nasir came to the car and I unlocked the door .

The whole time he was driving me home his jaw was clenched and he was grabbing the steering wheel tight .

I didn't wanna say anything to him so I kept silent .

He was going in the opposite direction to my house ..

Next think I know we're pulling up to this big ass beautiful house.

I know if it looked good on the outside the inside was even better .

We got out the car and he opened the door to the house and when be did I was so speechless the house was beautiful it was decorated nice and it was clean ash in the inside with a lot of bedrooms.

I asked Nasir "why didn't you take me home and whose house is this" he responded by saying "This is my house and I didn't feel like taking you all the way over there"

I went upstairs and he showed me the guest bathroom and bedroom he brought me a t-shirt of his and I laid it on the bed and locked the door. We might be in his house but that doesn't mean I trust him all the way .

I showered and got in the bed . Welp guess I'm not going to school tomorrow. I drifted off to sleep.


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