Chapter TWENTY

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Da'Viyah Skylar Jones

When I woke up I seen that we were landing somewhere .
I looked out the window I seen that we were in Jamaica 🇯🇲.
I let out a scream and I guess I woke Nasir up because he started groaning .

The jet landed and we got out and Nasir grabbed my bags .
We already had a car waiting for us as soon as we stepped off the jet .
We got in the car, the whole ride there I just stared out the window in awe.

We checked in and went straight to our room.
Nasir booked us a presidential suite so it was big and nice .

He sat the bags down on the floor and went to sit on the bed .
He told me to get ready to get dressed so we could go out .
I plopped down on the bed and thought about what I was going to wear first because if I didn't it would have took me forever to get dressed .

When I finally decided on what I was going to wear I grabbed my clothes and went in the bathroom to take my shower and brush my teeth so I could put in my clothes .

After I was done Nasir went in behind me so he could shower and put on his clothes .
I didn't want to dress simple but I didn't want to look plain either .
All the clothes in my suit case were new, his mother must've went shopping for me because Nasir doesn't seem like the type to pick clothes out for a girl .

I seen Nasir come out the bathroom looking like a whole damn meal .
He was looking so damn fine 😩.
He had on a whole suit and whew lord what I'll do to him.

I'm kind of glad I decided to put on the outfit that I had on because we were kind of matching.

We left the room and went down to the lobby , I guess that Nasir had told someone to drop off a rental car for him because when we made it outside we went straight to the car and drove off.

I really didn't know where we were going so I just sat back in my seat .
I almost dozed off but I seen that we were pulling up to a nice restaurant.

It was a fancy five star restaurant that cooks Italian food .
We walked in and was instantly seated at a table .
I didn't know what to order so I let Nasir order for me .

While we were waiting for our food Nasir was just staring in my face the whole time .
"Why are you staring"
"I can't just stare at my girl?"
"Your girl ? Lol when this happened?"
"Don't act like you ain't know you was mine"
"Nah I didn't"
"Well let me make it official, will you Da'Viyah Skylar Jones be my girlfriend?"
"Yes I'll be your girlfriend Nasir"

After Nasir I told him yes our food came and we ate in silence .
I was actually enjoying the silence , besides the soft blues music playing in the background.

When we left the restaurant I seen that we were heading to the beach .
It's night time and I knew wasn't anybody going to be there .

When we pulled up we both took off our shoes and left them in the car .
We held each other hands and walked together .
Nasir had candles lit with a blanket down and some fruit .

I sat down first then he did .
"Let's play 21 questions"
"Wtf is that"
"It's a game when we ask each other questions"

After playing 21 questions neither one of us were tired .
"Have you ever been skinny dipping?"
"Well shit me either but ain't nobody else out here and you only live once, won't hurt to try"

He took his clothes off first then went to the water then I did the same.
The water was warm so I really wasn't tripping.

We both were just having fun in the water .
I wasn't tripping about my hair getting wet because I really didn't care , I can wash it when we get back to the hotel .

After just swimming and playing around in the water we wrapped ourselves in our towels .
I was ready to go back to the hotel so I could shower and cuddle up to my man .

We grabbed our clothes and headed to the car .
On the way to the car I just felt like somebody was watching us but when I turned around and didn't see anybody .
I sighed .

When we got to the hotel we ended up taking a shower together since we bother were tired and just ready to get in the bed .

After our shower we got in the bed and just cuddled up .

To everybody else he may seem mean and nonchalant but when he's with me he's such a big baby and I hope it stays that way .

He rubbed my stomach until he fell asleep and soon after I did the same


Life with a KINGPINOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora