Chapter 3: Moving In

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Akiza's POV:
I was so embarrassed when my parents walked into my room when Yusei and I were kissing and I just couldn't stop thinking about why Yusei singing a song feels so familiar to me. "Yusei, how long have you been able to sing and play the guitar?" I asked him, "Ever since I was a kid. There was this kid who I was friends with when her parents tried to help out those in the Satellite years ago and we became best friends. I gave her a guitar like the one you have to her as a present so that if she and her parents ever moved away could remember me." Yusei said and something in the back of my mind realized something, "Wait, what was the name of the girl you were friends with?" I asked, "Honestly, I can't remember. It's been almost thirteen years since I saw her." Yusei said. That's when it hit me, "Wait, thirteen years ago?" I asked, "Yeah, why?" Yusei asked. "I-It can't be. Yusei, I was that little girl you were friends with." I said as I finally remembered why he looked so familiar and why he was able to sing and play the guitar so well. "Wait, then that means we've been in each other's lives before." Yusei said as both he and I finally remembered that we already knew each other from when we were little kids. "Well, this is actually kind of weird now." I said knowing that I'm in love with my old best friend from when we were kids, "I wonder if your parents will take the news well." Yusei said as I then realized that we had to tell them about this. "Well, there's only one way to find out." I said as both Yusei and I left my room and went into the dining room where my parents happen to be and when they saw us they were still happy for me and Yusei getting together. "Mom, daddy, there's something Yusei and I need to ask you." I said, "What is it honey?" daddy asked me, "Thirteen years ago, where did we live?" I asked, "So, you two finally remember. It's about time. Honestly, I thought the two of you would have remembered being best friends way sooner than this." Daddy said as he and my mother laughed about the whole thing. "Wait, you knew and you didn't tell me?" I asked, "Well, it was thirteen years ago when we moved away and you seemed to have forgotten about Yusei but still kept the guitar that he gave you even if you didn't know why you wouldn't get rid of it." My mother said as she took both Yusei's and my hands and put them together and smiled. "How did we even forget about that?" Yusei asked, "Well, if I were to guess. I'd say the two of you seemed to have forgotten each other's names after maybe three years after we moved from Satellite to New Domino so that Sector Security wouldn't find out about us helping the people of Satellite back then." Daddy said as he gave Yusei and I a run-through on his theory of how we forgot about each other.

Yusei's POV:
After hearing that, I was left speechless for maybe the first time in my life. Then, I had an idea about why we forgot each other, "Maybe the Crimson Dragon had something to do with it." I said and they all looked at me and then both Akiza's and I's dragon signs started glowing brightly and our memories were returned to us about everything we did together when we were little kids. Going to the playground together, the movies, and a bunch of other things as well, then, the memory of Akiza and her family leaving returned to me and tears started flowing down my face and Akiza's. Once our memories returned the glow faded away and I looked at Akiza and she looked at me and we hugged each other. "I've missed you so much Yusei." Akiza said as she was crying more than I was. "Looks like we have some catching up to do after all this time." I said and I looked at Mr. and Mrs. Izinski, "If you don't mind, I'd like to take Akiza home now." I said, "Sure, go ahead. We'll make sure Akiza's things are sent to your place right away." Mr. Izinski said as he made a call to some movers. Both Akiza and I walked downstairs to the driveway of her parents' house to get our duel runners and head home. I helped Akiza since she still looked a little shaken after our old memories resurfaced after all this time. Once we got to our duel runners I hooked Akiza's runner up to mine so that she could ride with me on my runner. "Yusei, I can manage to ride my runner. You don't have to do this." Akiza said, "I don't want to take any chances. If something were to happen while we were on our runners I would never forgive myself." I said as I kissed Akiza's head and she smiled at me, "Always so noble when it comes to those you care about, especially when that one person is your girlfriend." Akiza said and that made my face turn light red and she giggled seeing my face turn a light red color. "When we get home try to get some rest alright." I said to her, "Only if you stay with me and keep me safe." Akiza said, "You know I will always stay with you and keep you safe. You are my beautiful rose; I won't let anything happen to you." I said. Once that was all said Akiza and I got on my duel runner and we head back to our place, which was my place above my mechanics shop. On the way there we were joined by Jack, "There you two are. I've been looking for you." Jack said, "What's up Jack?" I asked, "Just seeing if the two of you are really together, and it looks like I owe Carly a Blue-Eyes White coffee." Jack said. "You're one to talk Jack. Everyone knows that you like Carly and that you are planning something big for the two of you." Akiza said as she smiled at me and Jack started to get flustered. "Well, I... Um, well look at the time, I've got to get going." Jack said as he raced off and left both Akiza and I laughing as he left.

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