Chapter 1: Confessions

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Yusei's POV:
It's been peaceful these past three years after Primo attacked us and nearly destroyed everyone including Akiza who I really like but I could never tell her because I figured that she wouldn't want anything to do with me after what happened with Sherry LeBlanc. She asked me for some dueling pointers and when Akiza walked in Sherry hugged me and I saw how devastated Akiza was and she ran off. That was three hours ago and I am still looking for her, "Come on, where are you Akiza?" I asked myself as I pulled up her duel runners GPS signal and saw that she was close by. "It looks like she's right below me." I said as I saw Akiza standing on the edge of the pier and once I got there she jumped in. "AKIZA!" I shouted as I dived in to save her. Once I grabbed her I pulled her back to the surface and noticed she wasn't breathing, "No, don't do this to me Akiza." I said as I started giving her CPR to save her life. I gave her three full breaths into her lungs and she woke up and coughed up water. "Akiza, what were you thinking?" I asked her relieved that she was alive. "Like you care." Akiza said looking away from me, "That's where you're wrong. I do care about you Akiza. More than anything. When you got hurt when Primo attacked I was scared that you wouldn't wake up again. But, I never gave up hope and after I defeated Primo, you came back." I said as I gave her my jacket to help warm her up. "Yusei, do you mean it?" Akiza asked me with a blush on her face. "Of course I do. I love you Akiza." I said as I hugged her to help warm her up even more, "I love you too, Yusei." Akiza said and we both smiled and I leaned in and kissed her, she was surprised at first but melted into it and kissed me back. "We better get home." I said as I picked up Akiza bridal style and placed her on my duel runner and I hooked her runner up to mine and I handed her the helmet that I made for her when me and the guys built her duel runner. Once that was taken care of I drove us back to my apartment and I let her use the shower while I took her wet clothes and put them in the wash. I laid out some of my clothes for her while her clothes were getting cleaned.

Akiza's POV:
Yusei really does care about me, just like I care about him. Maybe I can have a normal life after all. Even with my psychic powers beginning to weaken ever since I came out of that coma during Primo's attack. When I told Yusei about that he didn't care if I had special powers or not, he was only happy that I was alive and well. 'Maybe one day, me and Yusei can have a family together.' I thought to myself as I got out of the warm shower and wrapped a towel around me and when I entered the room I saw a pair of clothes that Yusei left out for me and I smiled and dried off and put them on. "Akiza, I'm making some lunch. Do you want anything?" Yusei called, "Do you know how to make some salad?" I asked, "Sure I do." Yusei said and when I walked into his living room I noticed that he had our picture on the wall of the two of us on the winners stand in the two on two turbo duel portion of the Grand Prix. "You kept the picture of our victory in the World Grand Prix's Two on two turbo duel?" I asked, "Of course, that picture means a lot to the both of us." Yusei said as he was making lunch for both of us. Once he handed me a salad it was I was amazed by how good it tasted, "You never told me you could cook Yusei." I said enjoying the salad he made for me. "I had to learn on my own since I never had my parents around in my life after the incident with the first Ener-D reactor." Yusei said, I felt sad for him since he was left all alone after that incident. I had been trying to figure out a way to help Yusei through that pain and I noticed that he always smiled and laughed when I was around and vice versa. "Well, we have each other. But, even though I have a family, I still know what it's like to not have a family who was there for you." I said. That's when I felt something and my head started hurting like crazy, "Akiza, what's wrong?" Yusei asked worriedly, "I don't know. It feels like a million bells are ringing inside my head." I said with my hands on my head then the ringing stopped, "Are you alright Akiza?" Yusei asked, "Yeah, this has been happening a few times but this was different. It was really painful." I said as I looked away from Yusei afraid to tell him why I've been like this. "Akiza, please tell me what happened." Yusei said, "It happened when I came out of the coma three years ago after you defeated Primo. When I came too I noticed that my psychic powers have been weakening and I haven't been able to use them as much as I used to." I said and I thought that Yusei would laugh at me, "Why didn't you tell me?" Yusei asked, "I thought you wouldn't want me around anymore." I said looking away from him. "That's not true, I don't care about your powers. I care about you. I don't know much about medical science but I know enough since my dad helped build the first Ener-d reactor. If you'll let me, I could find out why you're suffering." Yusei said, I smiled at him and nodded my head. "Do you think you can find out what's wrong Yusei?" I asked, "I hope so Akiza. I don't want you to suffer from this pain." Yusei said as he took out some equipment from a secret panel that I never saw before.

Yusei's POV:
Once I hooked up some sensors to Akiza's head I noticed that the wavelengths were acting abnormally. I also noticed that her psychic powers were very weak as well and that they were almost gone. "So, how does it look?" Akiza asked, "Well, your brain waves are acting abnormally which explains why you've been experiencing those painful headaches. But, your psychic powers are almost gone. But, like I said before, I don't care if you have psychic powers or not. I care deeply about you Akiza." I said as I placed my hand on Akiza's cheek and she smiled and hugged me tightly and I hugged her back. Then her phone rang, "Hey mom." Akiza said, I went over to the computer and took note that her brain waves started normalizing and I was glad that she was getting better and I heard her still talking to her mom.

Akiza's POV:
"I'm at Yusei's place mom. He's a really good guy and I told him how I felt and he told me he felt the same way." I said, "That's wonderful honey, so when should I expect some grandchildren?" she asked me and that made me blush, "Mom, why would you say something like that?" I asked embarrassed that she asked me that question, "Sorry honey, I get caught up in things like love." My mom said as she laughed over the phone. I was really embarrassed by what my mom had just said and I hoped Yusei didn't hear it, "By the way sweetheart, when will you be coming home? Or are you planning to stay with Yusei for a while?" my mom asked me and that made my face turn deep red, "I'm... um... S-staying w-with... Y-Yusei. I might be here for a while." I said stuttering at the fact that my mom somehow knew that I was already planning on staying with Yusei. "Alright, my sweet rose. If you and Yusei just so happen to have some fun tonight, I wouldn't put it past the two of you if you did." My mom said, "Mother!" I said a little too loudly and Yusei looked over at me and I blushed even brighter. "Anyways, I'll leave you two to it. I love you my sweet rose." My mom said, "I love you too mother." I said and hung up my phone and Yusei handed me a glass of water. "Thanks, Yusei." I said taking the water, "It's not a problem. By the way, I might have overheard you and your conversation by accident." Yusei said as he was now blushing as well. 'Oh my god. This is so embarrassing!' I thought to myself. "How much did you hear?" I asked, "All of it. Your mom has a thing for babies, doesn't she?" he asked, "Yeah, she tells me that one day that I would need to have a family of my own one day. But, I felt rushed back then, before I ever met you, Yusei." I said placing my hand on top of his and smiled at him. "That makes two of us. When I was growing up in Satellite, Martha told me that I would need to find someone that makes me happy and when we had that first duel in the Fortune Cup tournament, something just clicked inside me but I didn't know what until you were in a coma two times when I figured out that I really love you Akiza." Yusei said and those words made me tear up and hug him letting out my bottled up emotions and he hugged me back and rubbed my back that made me feel safe with him.

Yusei's POV:
I turned on the tv and sure enough, Jack was on the air winning the turbo duels keeping his title after I gave it back to him three months ago since I didn't want to be in the spotlight like Jack. I noticed that Akiza fell asleep and I was glad that I could help her feel better about the situation that she's going through since her powers are starting to fade away. I pulled a blanket over her and her head resting on my lap which made me blush a little since I was the one she was laying on. "Still beautiful as ever, Akiza." I said softly as I kissed her head and somehow fell asleep with her on my couch. I was sleeping pretty good when I heard screaming that woke me up, "NO YUSEI!" Akiza screamed and I woke up to see her covered in sweat, "Akiza, what's wrong?" I asked her, "Yusei, y-you're s-still... Yusei!" She sobbed and hugged me and I held her close and I could feel her shivering, "I thought I lost you Yusei." Akiza said in between breaths, "Don't worry it was only a nightmare. I will never leave you. I promise you that I will always be here for you." I said as I wiped the tears from her eyes and kissed her head. "Come on, you can sleep in my bed with me if you want." I said hoping that it didn't come out in the wrong way, "A-alright, b-but, d-don't t-think a-a-about..." I stopped Akiza by kissing her softly on her lips to help calm her down. Once I pulled away she stopped shivering and was able to talk normally again, "Better?" I asked, "Yes, I needed that. Also, don't get any funny ideas when I get into bed with you." Akiza said, "I'm not that kind of guy Akiza." I said and she smiled knowing that already and just teased me about it. We walked to my bedroom and because it was a queen-sized bed both me and Akiza would have to be really close together until I could get a bigger bed.

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