Chapter 23 - I'd Rather Die

Start from the beginning

Locking eyes with Dan, he dragged the tip of the knife down Kit's chest from collarbone to belly button, slicing through skin and leaving a wet, open, glistening cut that immediately welled with crimson blood. 

When the blade cut him Kit cried out - he tried to suppress it by biting his lip, trembling. 

Another snarl tore free of Dan's throat. The vampire looked up, his gloating expression shifting to surprise.

"Oh - is this your latest conquest, Kitty?"

"Dan -" Kit choked. "Shoot me..."

That was when Ronan, Morgan, and Justin burst in through the door behind Dan. 

Devlin had always been careful. Old and clever and cunning - except where Kit was concerned. He had lost his head and gotten drunk in New Mexico, and now he had charged into this restaurant with barely any back-up the minute he got news of Kit.

He really is in love with me...

Maybe it could be his downfall once more.

"Shoot me," Kit croaked out, hanging limp from Devlin's arms, his blood flowing freely from the cut and showing no sign of healing.

If Dan shot Kit - somewhere non-lethal - and the vampire dropped him, they would have free range to shoot Devlin too. The pack only had ordinary copper bullets - but if they could wound the mobster enough... 

C'mon Dan, shoot me.

"Just come quietly, and no-one else needs to get hurt..." Devlin murmured into his hair.

"I will never go back to you."

"You will. I could take your blood and make you drink mine - you will swear to me again, even if I have to take you by force," he hissed, gripping the back of Kit's hair and yanking his head back.

"I'd rather die!"

Devlin dragged him around and kissed him roughly, forcing his tongue into his mouth and clutching Kit tight, lifting him off the ground. Then he raised the silver knife, cutting his back open this time. Once. Twice. Slowly, teasingly. Showing it to the pack. 

Kit shuddered - the pain was affecting him, threatening to spill over into pleasure. 

He couldn't resist his body reacting, pheromones slipping out to fill the restaurant. When he tried to hold in his moans, Devlin thrust his fingers into Kit's mouth and spun him outward to give the pack a better view. 

"Show your new friends what you really are," he hissed.

He bit down on his neck, plunging his thick, razor-sharp fangs down into the old sunken indentations in Kit's shoulder, pulling back and letting the dark red blood trickle down. 

Kit's feet dangled in the air and his body felt sluggish, his usual fight draining away.

"Can you even heal this? What a pathetic werewolf you are... Being hurt and being done, that's all you're really good for, isn't it?" 

He pressed the silver knife - burning like nothing he had ever felt before - against Kit's neck, under his jaw, poised to cut his throat, pulse pounding, blood trickling down his collarbone. 

Kit was helpless to do anything but watch the horrified expressions on his pack's faces. 

"Kill me," he hissed, matching Devlin's venomous tone. "I'll never be yours, you bastard."

Then he felt Devlin shift his grip on him, setting him back on his feet and drawing his gun, lightning-fast. But he wasn't pointing it at Kit. 

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