"Can I offer you a drink or something. Tea, coffee, orange-juice, water or a cold can of soft, and what would you like  to drink pumpkin? " Luke asked them both as he headed to the kitchen.
"I'd love a nice cold can of diet coke please," Sally-Ann  answered. "And I would like an orange-juice  please Uncle Luke," Skyanne  said as she tooka seat next to her mother on the sofa.

Coming back out to the lounge-room and handing the drinks out to both Sally-Ann  and Skyanne,  Luke took acseat across from them and asked, "So tell me what's  brought you back this way and how long are you here for?" "Woud you believe me if I v told you, I was already in the area  and thought  I'd drop in and say hi. ..... NO? Okay then, I'll tell you", she said taking a sip of her drink, then placing it back down on the coffee table in front of her.
"About a month ago today, my job as a model in Paris  came to an end and I made the decision to sell everything I owned, packed up what was most important  to me, booked myself a flight back home and buy myself a car once I arrived back home. Then I made the final decision of all - I decided that I wish to buy myself a house right here in Reitman Bay and settle down. So here Iam in the flesh, back home to stay," she told Luke.

"Are you serious - why on earth would you want to move back here for after what you went through? Please tell me this hasn't  got anything to do with Steven Young,!"Luke aked hercwith a worried look on his face. "Why on earth would you think that for Luke. No it doesn't have anything to do with Steven what-so-ever. In case you have forgotten.... this is  my home town too. It is where I grew up and it's where I had Skyanne;  plus I happen to love it here. I really do," she answered  him feeling a bit hurt by the question he asked her.

"Im sorry Sally-Ann,  I didn't  mean to offend you in anyway. I was just curious as to why you choose here of all places, after everything  you went through, " he said looking straight at her with a concerned look on his face.
"There is no need to apologize  Luke,  I guess if the shoe was on the other foot, I'd probably  would have  asked you the same question, "she statted as she took another sip of her drink.

Luke and Sally-Ann  sat around chatting away about everything  that they both had been up too lately and speaking about the changes that has taken place around the Bay over the past few year's  while she was away working  over seas.  Just the normal day to day chit-chat and catching up on all the latest news, when Luke pipped up and said,"I still can't  believe  that your actually here.... boy won't  Karen be really surprised  to see you sitting  here in our lounge-room  drinking a soft drink."
" More like shocked I think," Sally-Ann  siad looking straight at him. "Well I can't  wait to see the look on her face, and speaking of which...that's  her now," he added.

Parking  the Toyota  next to Sally-Anns corvette,  Karen got out of the car, locked it up and started making her way up the path that lead to the front door. Just as she was about to place her hand on the door knob to open it, the front door opened and there stood  Sally-Ann.

Glued to the spot, Karen just stood there  starring at her in total  shock. " Well aren't you going to say hello or are you just going to stand there catching flies?" Sally-Ann  said making a joke.  "What the hell ...... no it can't be, my mind's  playing tricks on me. I knew I shouldn't have  pulled into that pub for that one drink, as I'm seeing and hearing shit!", Karen said shaking  her head and rubbing her eye's.
"O.M.G, I can't  believe  my eyes. So when did you get here  and how long are you in town for this time before  you leave again?", Karen asked.

"I actually  arrived back in  Australia  last night after losing after losing my job asca model in Paris,  cause the job ended about a month ago today. Then early this morning  I brought myself a new car, decided that I would come back home to the Bay to catch up with my friends,  find myself another job and hopefully  buy myself a house right here in Reitman Bay, " she babbled  on.

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