Chapter 4

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Being grounded sucked.

Since I wasn't allowed outside, the only time Namjoon agreed to let me go anywhere was when Taehyung needed to be brought to his therapy sessions.

As Taehyung and I sat outside his therapy building, he turned to look at me. "Can I tell you a secret?"

I arched an eyebrow and nodded as he cleared his throat nervously. "S-so you know how Riley was dating Jimin?"

I squinted as I noticed his neck was turning pink in embarrassment, but I nodded once again. "Why are you acting weird?"

Taehyung pursed his lips as he handed me his phone suddenly. There was a set of text messages on the screen and the contact name was "Minnie 💜". It didn't take me long to figure out that Minnie was short for Jimin.

And that he and Taehyung were flirting heavily. "Taehyung--"

"I-I know it's bad of me to like him!" He whined as he took his phone back and pouted. "B-But I do! And I know Ri-Riley is your friend so you're mad at me--"

I grabbed both sides of his face to shut him up as I stared into his eyes. "Taehyung, you can like anyone you want to. I'm just a little upset that you never told me about your sexuality."

"Namjoon knows," he mumbled softly and I sighed in response before he added, "And Jin."

"So everyone but me. And here I thought I was the favorite."

"You are!" I smiled at him as he quickly defended himself. "Which is why I wanted to make sure you wouldn't be mad at me, so I asked Namjoonie and Jin first."

I pulled my brother into a hug, feeling his arms encircle me quickly. "Nothing can make me mad at you, Taehyung. I love you, okay? Don't forget that."

He nodded happily and we got out of the car. I noticed Jimin waiting by the doors, most likely waiting for Taehyung. We approached the steps and Taehyung ran quickly to Jimin's side.

I groaned immediately as I felt a dark presence beside me suddenly and whipped around to see Kookie a lot closer than I had expected him to be.

I stumbled backward and would've fallen and cracked my skull if a strong arm around my waist hadn't caught my fall. I looked up at Kookie, seeing the smug look on his face with his arm still around me. I stood myself upright and slapped his arm away. "You can't just do that. What the hell is wrong with you?"

He grinned widely, poking my cheek suddenly. I slapped his hand away again. "I can do whatever I want because you're going to be my wife anyway."

I glanced around to make sure Taehyung had gone inside before I rubbed my temples in irritation. "I don't know what you aren't getting, but I'm tired of repeating myself. We are not going to be married ever. So I would appreciate it if you would leave me alone--"

"Jungkook," he cut me off, catching me off guard as I tilted my head slightly. "My real name is Jeon Jungkook. Only one other person calls me that, and I'm allowing you to."

I stared at him for a moment, unsure why he would give me his full name if I was in the middle of telling him to leave me alone. "Jungkook?"

When I said his name, it felt as though the dark aura that surrounded him had vanished almost immediately. He smiled softly at me, nodding his head slightly as he leaned down towards my ear. "I like the way you say it."

My heart skipped a beat against my will as he brushed past me to walk up the steps and into the building. I had goosebumps on my arms much to my surprise. I shook my head, climbing up the steps to the building. When I entered the room, I saw my usual seat next to Taehyung was now occupied by Jimin.

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