The big uneasy

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——"Seriously what is going on?" Hayley asked, as me and eve looked around "who are all these people?" I asked seeing a bunch of people I've never seen step foot in the bayou

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"Seriously what is going on?" Hayley asked, as me and eve looked around "who are all these people?" I asked seeing a bunch of people I've never seen step foot in the bayou

"why are they standing out here all weird and lurky?" Hayley asked "they've come from all over all the packs" Eve answers our questions

"Why? To see some babies that aren't even born yet?" I asked Oliver comes out of the shack "forget the babies these freaks, they came here to see you two, you know given the place your parents held the pack hierarchy, maybe they think you two are gonna be the long-lost werewolf messiah or something." Oliver said

"Great no pressure or anything" I said taking a sip of my orange juice as Oliver got a call and started walking away I really hated him "hello?" He asked into the phone

I didn't pay any mind to it neither did Eve or Hayley so I made my way back into the shack to Ethan who was currently hovering over a table making something out of wood
"Really Jackson? Out of all these you pick that one?" I asked Jackson he was sitting with me on the docks overlooking the lake "I really hate this one" I said

He held his hands up and chuckled "hey Beatriz is a good name" he defended we were looking at a book eve gave us for baby name ideas "for the people in  the Great Britain" I shot back

His smile came to a hault"your right" he mumbled I laughed and shook my head running my fingers down the page I stopped abruptly on a name

"This is the name" I said Jackson looked at the name I was pointing too and smiled brightly "that's her name" he said i turned to him and hugged him to which he kindly returned

"Thank you so much for being with me through this journey but I have to ask you a huge favor" I said then pulled away "sure anything" he said I smiled and looked down

"Ok so her dad is occupied at the moment but will you do me the huge favor of becoming her.....godfather?" I asked him leaning away scared of his answer

It was quite for a brief moment making my heart thump so loud a vampire from the quarter could hear it "I..would love to" he said then smiled

I leaned back over and hugged him again until I pulled away and was yet again stuck in his gaze it was mesmerizing his green hazel eyes looking into my aqua blue eyes

I cleared my throat and stood up "I'm hungry come with me to get some food" I said he nodded tucking in his lips and looking at the water before getting up and following me
"Your people are uniquely poised to set an example for the rest of the French quarter which is why it is important for the wolves to attend" Elijah said

"Thanks but not thanks?" I asked crossing my arms "let's hear the man out" Oliver said "the witches are the ones that cursed your pack and they've been nothing but crap to us since we both came to town. No." Hayley said

the night of June (Klaus Mikaelson) (Damon Salvatore)Where stories live. Discover now