Every mother's son

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Downstairs in the courtyard of the compound, marina and Hayley were munching on the fruit, on a table full of food set up "this is so good" marina muttered to Hayley, who nodded her head

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Downstairs in the courtyard of the compound, marina and Hayley were munching on the fruit, on a table full of food set up "this is so good" marina muttered to Hayley, who nodded her head

Klaus came downstairs to join them "so, which restaurant is missing a compelled chef?" Marina asked jokingly "It's certainly a card I've played in the past, but I had no hand in this..." Klaus said confused

"Hmm. Well, then, I guess we have Elijah to thank?" Hayley asked, it seemed to marina, Hayley and Elijah were getting close, but it wasn't her business

Elijah returns to the compound and joins them in the courtyard, and looks confused when he hears their conversation and notices the breakfast spread in front of them

"This wasn't my doing..." Elijah said, and marina frowned, "Then, where did this all come from?" Marina asked, The silver lid on the platter suddenly begins to rattle, which startles Hayley and Elijah so much that they jump in fright for a moment. Klaus looks uneasy, and walks next to marina before he lifted the platter, which releases two starlings that fly up toward the ceiling, causing the four to reflexively duck to avoid being hit. They all look puzzled and nervous

"What the hell was that?" Hayley asked, as Klaus rested his hands on marina waist, before He reaches for the invitation and opens it. It reads, "Dinner, Your Home, 8PM", "An invitation from our mother." Klaus said, before he and Elijah shared a look

Marina looked at Klaus from with bed, as he stared at the invitation while he stands on the balcony overlooking the French Quarter. He eventually turns to head back into the bedroom, where Hayley is laying flat on the bed, with marina

"It is times like this I'm really glad I never knew my mother." Hayley said, before marina started to laugh "I'm sorry, that's not funny" she said while laughing "We have enough enemies here. And now, the war for our home is to be fought against my own family" Klaus said

"Your wretched mother and her disciples tried to put a carving knife through our kids hearts" Hayley said "We'll happily add to the body count." Marina finished for her

the night of June (Klaus Mikaelson) (Damon Salvatore)Where stories live. Discover now