From a cradle to a grave

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——I sat in the rocking chair of the nursery I just got done looking through her clothes even though my Vision about mikael was half true, I wanted to make sure I made my daughter a note

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I sat in the rocking chair of the nursery I just got done looking through her clothes even though my Vision about mikael was half true, I wanted to make sure I made my daughter a note

"Writing a love letter to one of your many suitors?" Klaus asked coming into the room "so who's the lucky reception then- Jackson or Damon perhaps me?" Klaus said

I smiled and looked back down at the note book he gasped and i looked back up "don't tell me it's me" he said he just lightened my mood I laughed and shook my head "I thought I was out of the running ages ago" Klaus said

"And the award for biggest ego goes to..." I said motioning my hand towards Klaus "oh" I said putting my hand on my stomach "how is our littlest wolf ?" Klaus asked "do you want to...?" I asked gesturing to my stomach

Klaus hesitating looking at me but I smiled "come on" I said Klaus kneeled in front of me and put his hand on my stomach I looked at him waiting for his reaction

He gasped and I chuckled still looking at him "you feel that?" I asked him he was staring at my stomach in shock I put my hand over his and he looked at me

"right. I'll leave you to your secret letter then" Klaus said then started to walk away I grabbed his hand and he looked at me "it'll be under her mattress if you wanna read it" I said softly

He looked at me and nodded but didn't move we stayed like this until Klaus got closer to me he leaned towards my face and I leaned in also his rose pink lips

Touched my cherry pink his lips were forever soft the kiss was slow and much needed the kiss lasted a couple of seconds but when we pulled away Klaus laud his forehead on mine

After a while of staying like that he turned around and walked out without a word I watched his retreating figure then looked back down to my note

'Dear adella, or Berkeley or Ariel, to my little girl, your dad just asked if this was a love letter, I guess this kinda is'

"AGGHHHH!" I screamed squirming around on the table that was pushed next to Hayleys 'I never got to know my mother, I have no idea what she must've felt when she carried me' "LET GO OF ME YOU BITCH!" I screamed at Genevieve

I dropped back down to the table "AHH!" Hayley screams 'so I thought I'd write to you so that you could know how happy I am, at the very moment' Klaus opened the doors to the church

I sat up and looked at him with hope in my eyes he chucked the mans head off that came running towards him 'how much your father and I can't wait to meet you two' Klaus continued to come forward

'And I want to make you a promise 3 things that you will have that I never did' Monique and Abigail put their hands up sending Klaus to the wall of the church

the night of June (Klaus Mikaelson) (Damon Salvatore)Where stories live. Discover now