Chapter 13: Epilogue. (The End)

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Chase Immediately checked On Skye, pretty much lifeless. The Wolves and the PAW Patrol Pups started to become Silent.

Chase: No! This can't happen! I never even got to tell you How I Felt about you! I never got the chance to tell you How Much I loved you!

Chase started Crying as he was carrying Skye in his paws, but all of a Sudden, Skye started to move.

Skye: (Groaning) Ouch! My head!

Chase was so Overjoyed to See Skye alive and pretty much alright.

Chase: Skye, Your Fine!

Chase gave Skye a big hug, and Skye gave a big hug to Chase as Well, despite her head Injury.

Skye: I also have to tell you, that I have had the Most Beautiful dream while I was out.

Chase: What was it?

Skye: I dreamed that you said that you never got to tell me that you loved me.

Chase looked around at everyone, but this time, Chase didn't care, and Fleet gave Chase a smile.

Chase: Skye, that wasn't a dream, I really said that when you were out.

Skye was shocked to hear Chase say that.

Skye: Really? (Shocked and happy)

Chase: Yes! I mean it!

Chase then did something, that he never thought he would do infront of anyone or any Pups or Wolves, and that was Kiss Skye, he did, and all of the Wolves Cheered and some others awwed, and Fleet and Claudette then Immediately kissed at the same time, as The PAW Patrol Pups and Ryder looked at them in Amazement, Some of the PAW Patrol Pups even started crying. Skye was also crying in happy tears.

Skye: Chase, you have no idea, how long I have been waiting to hear you say that.

A few Weeks later...

It was now time for Ryder and the PAW Patrol Pups, to head back to their home, and The Wolves were giving them one final Goodbye.

Winston: Ryder, I don't know how to thank you and the Pups, for all the Help that you have Given us.

Ryder: No Problem, and whenever your in Trouble, Just yell, or Howl, For help.

All the Wolves and the Wolf Pups: Bye, Hope we see you again soon.

The PAW Patrol Pups: We are going to miss you Guys!

Ryder and the PAW Patrol Pups then got into the PAW Patroller, and headed back to Adventure Bay, and Skye's head also fully healed now, and Chase and Skye were looking at each other Smiling very much, and all the other Pups had a lot of Fun too, and it was Certainly an Exciting Adventure, that they wouldn't forget, that they had, with the Pack.

The End...

Author's Note: What Did you Guys think of this Crossover Story? Did you Guys like it? Let me know in the Comment Section, and Please vote on every chapter in the Story, including this one, and Once again Guys, Thank for all of the Support, Peace!

PAW Patrol: Pups Meet the Pack. (PAW Patrol/Alpha and Omega Crossover)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ