Chapter 3: Beyond the Fence.

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Not far away from the Cave of where Tony and Winston were, an Omega wolf named Humphrey was looking after his 3 Pups, Stinky, Claudette and Runt. His wife Kate was on a Hunting trip, who was also one of Winston's Daughters. The Pups wanted to be by themselves, and Humphrey listened to them.

Humphrey: Ok Pups, Make sure to Howl on the hour or if any of you are in Danger.

Claudette: We will Dad.

Runt: Bye.

Stinky: Love you dad.

The 3 Pups were now on their own.

Stinky: So, what do you think we should do?

Runt: How about we see how Brent and Agnes are doing.

Stinky: Great idea.

Claudette: Actually, I think I am going to bring Fleet along with us.

Stinky and Runt just looked at each other and gave Claudette a smirk smile. They knew that their Sister was in love with Fleet, Fleet and Claudette even considered each other to be Boyfriend and Girlfriend.

Stinky: You know What, you and Fleet can have Fun, me and Runt are going to see Brent and Agnes.

Claudette: Okay.

An with that, Stinky and Runt went to the Forest of the Western Region, and sure enough, in their old spot, they Found Brent trying to chase some butterflies while Agnes was watching him.

Stinky: Hey Brent!

Brent: Oh, Hey Stinky, what's up bro.

Stinky and Brent then did a Fist bump. And Runt also tried to do the same with Agnes, which hurted a little, but Runt was okay with it, since he got hurt by Porcupines way worse before.

Runt: How are you 2 doing?

Agnes: We are doing just fine, but Brent has still hadn't completely got rid of his Bird Phobia.

Brent: They are always fluttering around my snout!

Stinky, Runt and Agnes laughed.

Stinky: Claudette is going to bring Fleet over with us later. And in the Meantime, let's see if we can find some wolves or critters that need our help.


Claudette has now arrived in the Northern Region, and went to Fleet's home, and sure enough, she Found Fleet and his Sister Magril.

Fleet: Claudette! What a surprise! (Hugs her)

Claudette: Hey Fleet! Hey Magril, How are you 2 doing?

Magril started whispering in Fleet's ear, since she almost never talks to anyone else besides her brother.

Fleet: She says she is doing fine, and so am I.

Claudette: Where's your Father?

Fleet: My Father is out Hunting right now.

Claudette: Oh really, so is my Mum.

Fleet: Ok, so what Can we do?

Claudette: Well, I was wondering if you could join me, my brothers, and also Brent and Agnes and play round the area, and also see if anyone needs our help.

Fleet: Sounds Good to me!

Fleet then playfully tagged Claudette's Nose. And she chased after him all the Way as the Ran back to The Western Region.


The PAW Patrol have now Arrived in Jasper Park.

Marshall: The Place looks really nice.

Skye: I agree.

Ryder: This is going to be the First Place we are going to visit for Sight-seeing. There is a Market not far away by walking, I am going to drive with the PAW Patroller over there, and the Meantime, You Pups can look around the area, but please do not go past the Fence. I will be right back!

Chase: Okay, Bye Ryder.

Ryder then started to drive upward towards a nearby Market by probably a Mile. And the Pups started looking around the area.

Rocky: Didn't Ryder say we can see some Animals there?

Zuma: Oh, Yeah, I see some Squirrels, Deers, Caribou, and all other kinds of Animals.

Rocky: Let's Go through the fence.

Chase: Wait Pups! Rememeber! Ryder said that we are not supposed to go through the fence, and since we didn't bring our Pup-Packs which are back at the PAW Patroller. We can't properly defend ourselves.

Marshall: Come on Chase, Don't be too concerned, I don't see any animals that can harm us here.

Skye: Chase, it's going to be alright, Come on!

Chase thought about it for a while.

Chase: Alright, but if anything happens to us, I am holding you guys Responsible.

The PAW Patrol Pups Cheered and were excited, they all went through the fence and start to look for other Animals, and look at the place.

Chase: I don't have a Good Feeling about this.

PAW Patrol: Pups Meet the Pack. (PAW Patrol/Alpha and Omega Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now