Best friend

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It was really cold in my room. I left windows open for air, last night. I had few nightmares and it was about some black man,  again. Black leather jacket,  hoddie under and black pants. I didnt saw the face.

Mom: "honny,  get your ass out of bed"
I heard my mom. She was jailing down.
Uh, i hate this. Today we are leaving this town and going in a new one. They sayd its called Vinchase village. I leaving my friends and everything behind. Its really sad..
Mom:" did you heard me!?  "
Nona: "yes! , gosh"

I put my clothes on and came downstairs. My father was there putting on jacket.

Dad: "hi, are you okey? "

I put on fake smile on my face.  I didnt like talk to him,  like with mom.  She was better for me.  Somehow I was fell free with her and with him i felt like in box.

When we were getting out of house,  I saw some boy standing in front.  With his beautiful brown hair I recognize him right away.  It was Fran. He was my best friend.  I really liked him.

He start to coming towards me and he put his hands in jacket,  shyly. He start to look at me.
Fran: hey, I heard you leaving. How is that happening?
Me: I dont know..   Ask my dumb parents that.
I said quiet , so that they dont hear me. Then Fran out of nowhere took my hand and start to drag me in the back of my house. My parents didnt even look. I guess they were to ocupatte with putting things on their places.

We stop.  He pick one flower from my back garden.
Fran: I hate this. That you leaving us.
Me:  Fran however you fell right now I feel two times worst. I love you guys all.

Fran look at the flower, then he put it on my ear. He put my bangs on the other side.

Fran: I think you will forget us. I keeped thinking about that all night.
Me:I could never forget you and others.
Fran: I need to tell you one more thing.
He just keeped silent and i was looking for words to hear. He look at my eyes.

Fran: I love you, Nona. I love you more than friend.

I was in shock. I didnt love him like that and I probably never could. That explain his wired  behavior.
He put his hand on my chick. I felt blush coming out. I just didnt know how to act.
Mom:Nona, we need to go
I heard my mom jailing. Then i felt air coming in my lungs again.

Me: Fran, I need to go. We will talk later.

I was turning around

Fran: okey. Uh,  hm call me you have my number.
I just nooded and left.

I didnt see him and i liked that. I just sit in back of our car. I was still shocked.  I will try to keep  my mind off that , as more as i can.

My parents come in and dad start the car. I look at our house one more time.  I felt sick,  so I look right at road in front of us.

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