
Start from the beginning

11) "Do you relate with any of your characters from your books? If yes, which one and which characteristics are similar?"

Definitely Elena from sugar baby; I don’t want to reveal too much about my future plans but the readers have seen that things haven’t always been easy going for her yet she’s always trying to see the positive side. Even though she gets lost in her head a lot and often puts herself down and thinks people don’t like her. I’ve dealt with those sorts of feelings a lot in my life. She’s strong, and I’d like to think that I am too.

12) "What did you study /are you studying/do you want to study?"

I’m in my first year of a nursing degree. I went to London for a year and worked so I’m behind where all my friends are currently but I’m loving it, despite how busy and challenging it can be.

13)" Describe yourself in 3 words."

Funny, nice, boring af

14) "What do you advise new writers?"

Plan as much as you can, but you don’t have to stick to that plan. I’ve had a rough outline of each chapter since the beginning of sugar baby and I’ve barely stuck to any of it because the story’s gone in new directions. I think when writing it’s always better to go with your gut rather than your plan. But if you’re stuck and have writers block, having a plan will really help you get some inspiration.

15)" Questions based on ' Sugar baby ': How were you inspired to write this story?"

A few of my friends have done sugar dating in the past. I never did because I’m too socially awkward but I think we’ve all had dreams of Harry saving us from our current situations and maybe throwing in a couple of designer bags while he does it. Surely not just me?!

16)" Who's your favourite character in the book and why? "

I love Heather. She’s inspired by one of my real life best friends. She does what she wants and makes no apologies for it. She’s the kind of friend who convinces you to do stupid shit that you’ll later be so glad that you did. Things aren’t always great for her as we will soon learn. Yet through it all she’s a kind and supportive friend who is there for Elena when she needs her.

17)" Have you decided the end of the book? "

I have, it’s been partially written too.

18)"If you were asked to publish your book , would you do it?"

I’m not sure. I’ve always wanted to write for a living but I don’t think anyone would ever want this book published for real. I’d have to think about it.

19)"Which is your favourite a) funny, b) dramatic, c) romantic, d) sad scene in the book, until now?"

Funny; a small scene would be Harry flipping off Ryan when he thinks Ryan was flirting with Elena. I enjoy writing Harry in these moments because despite his age he can be very impulsive and immature.

Dramatic: most of the fights that Elena and Harry have are pretty intense, the one at the charity ball was rough

Romantic; Harry and Elena going to the movies sticks out to me. They had just had a bit of a fight and so Harry trying to plan something for Elena to enjoy felt quite sweet to me. It’s also the night that they have sex for the first time (spoiler) so Elena feels comfortable enough with him to do something she’s been kind of dreading for so long.

I always recently loved writing their adventures in Paris. They’re both opening themselves up to one another and allowing themselves to enjoy the relationship.

Sad: there are two, they haven’t been published yet and they were really hard to write. One is a rather unexpected twist, one I think some may see coming.

20) " A phrase or a scene that you write and you'll never forget.(and why)"

I’ve liked writing heather when she gives Elena advice. Elena’s life hasn’t always been easy so she does a lot to protect herself, but heather just wants her to enjoy herself. When they’re shopping and heather says to her “you’re 19, this is the time when you’re supposed to make stupid mistakes” was on that stuck out for me. I’m sometimes too caught up in making sure I do everything right that I forget to have a good time. Sometimes stupid mistakes are the best ones.

21) " How much time did it take to plan the whole plot? Are we near the end?"

A couple of weeks for a rough outline, I’d notice little things that would give me inspiration throughout the day and note them down to then organise into chapters later. But planning doesn’t always work and I’ve taken things in other directions, but at least I have a plan to fall back on should I need it.

We are kind of near the end. I’m planning on this book being around 50 chapters

22)" How many unpublished and half-finished books do you have?"

I have the other 2 half published books that I’ve been neglecting. I also have plans for a fourth book that’s pretty different to anything else I have published, still a Harry styles fanfic. But I want to give it all of my attention, so maybe it will see the light of day when I find the time.

23) "Any spoilers for future plans?"

I’m hoping to answer some of people’s questions that they have been asking and also some that haven’t seem to come up.

For instance; what happened to Harry that made him so guarded and closed off? Why the need for the contracts?

And one that no ones really asking; Elena is pretty responsible, how did she end up with only £4 in the first place?

We’re going to explore both of their pasts a bit more, hopefully that will be exciting for people to learn about.

24)" Are you planning to publish a sequel?"

Maybe, depends how much people want it and if I feel like it’s right for the story. I’ll only know once it’s been completed if it needs to continue. I don’t want to ruin the first story by writing a sequel if it’s not for any good reason.

25) " The age difference hasn't been a problem till now. Do you think it'll be in the future?"

It may start to become an issue. It seems that there is no shortage of things that could be a potential problem for these two, they have a lot of obstacles in their way.


1) "What would be the worst "buy one get one free" sale of all time?"

Interesting question! I feel like people love a deal so it’s weird to think of one that you’d hate to have to get two of. Maybe a coffin? No one likes death?

2)"What is the funniest name you have actually heard used in the real world?"

I babysit a lot so I’ve heard some INCREDIBLY Funny names over the years. I don’t want to insult anyone with any kind of names though. I do love classic names that have just been spelt different; like I looked after a girl called Chloe but it was spelt Kloieh, like you poor thing no one is EVER going to spell that right. I’m a lover of ‘out there’ names though so I may not be the best judge of that.

Thank you so much twinklelittlescar!!❤❤

All the love,

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