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Okay so last chapter 

Deceit had kindapped Virgil, Virgil realized what was going on and started to have a panic attack, Deceit monologues about being fake nice and said Virgil's dead name repeatedly while misgendering him, he slaps Virgil and forces him into a kiss while starting to undress Virgil, Virgil passes out but hears a familiar voice opening the door. 

So this chapter

Mentions of Physical abuse 

- Grey


"Virgil? Wake up, you're be okay, alright, Vee. I'm right here, I'm holding you." The voice was soft and calm, it sounded restrained also, like it was holding back from crying or screaming. The hold was warm and soft, holding Virgil close, like a hug. Virgil's eyes started to open, everything a little fuzzy, but he saw messy dark brown hair with a Grey strip, and tan skin, big brown eyes infringed with love and fear and hope and so many other emotions, and a little fuzzy mustache. 

"Ree?" Virgil asked softly, only to be held closer. 

"Don't forget about me, love." He looked around more, realizing that Remus wasn't the one holding him but standing in front of his field of vision, a Roman was the one holding him close, he could hear the steady and calm heartbeat and it calmed his own, Remus moved and Virgil sat up, hugging Roman tightly, kissing his cheek, he then turned around to pull Remus into a hug, burying his face in the Dukes chest. 

"What about-"

"I beat his ass!! Nobody hurts my friends and gets away with it!" Remus smiled, the boyish charm that only he had and f u c k. Virgil's heart tightened in a weird way, a burst of love for Remus, which was weird cause when he looked at Roman he felt the same amount of love. He couldn't love them both, could he?

That didn't matter, he was sleepy and wanted a nap that didn't happen because he was knocked out, "Ro?"

"Yes, mi amor?" His voice was soft and so relaxing. 

"I want cuddles and sleep and to never see Dee again."

"Done and done." Roman kisses Virgil's forehead. 

"You'll never be alone with him, Vee. I can promise that." Remus ran his fingers through Virgils hair. "Speaking of, Ro?" Roman sighed, setting Virgil down.

"I'm taking care of it." He ran off, telling Virgil he'd be back shortly. 

"And I'll take care of you." Remus smiled sweetly, a smile Virgil didn't know Remus could do as he picked Virgil up and went to Virgil's room, tucking the emo into the purple bedsheets. "I love you, Virgil. I'll always be here." And Virgil wanted to say he loved Remus too, cause he really did, but his words caught In his throat. "You don't have to say it back, I saw how you looked at Roman." Remus was too dumb to realize that Virgil looked at him the same way, and Virgil was too tired to say so as he fell asleep, curled into a ball, with Remus keeping a watchful eye.

Broken Boy ; Sander Sides ; Prinxduke ; Transgender! Virgil AUNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ