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"Hey." Virgil appeared on the stairs, giving a two finger salute, he wasn't even surprised when Thomas reacted by jumping back, though it did hurt a little bit.

"What tHE HECK?!"

"Oh, I'm sorry was I not wanted at this exact moment?" Virgil rested his head on his hands, smirking at Thomas.

"Oh for crying out loud, okay!" Thomas smiled st the camera, and it hurt Virgil that he had to fake smiles all because he showed up.

You're anxiety, deal with it.

"Will Everyone please welcome...my anxiety." Thomas gestured over to Virgil and Virgil did the one thing he could think, of taking Deceits advice, fake it till you make to.

"Sup." He Gave Thomas a head nod, cheesy? Yeah. But what else was he gonna do?

Thomas went on to talk about how he shouldn't be anxious and yada yada, it was annoying but...he had to do it. Deceit told Virgil that he needed someone the light Sides could trust. Virgil was the least...obviously bad dark side. He had to.

After that he started to go back to the dark side, but was stopped by an overly enthusiastic man in a light blue polo....Morality. "Hey, Kiddo!! You seem kinda new around here."

"Not really, new for...showing my face I guess." Virgil shrugged. He continued to talk to Patton for a while, who instantly took a protectiveness of Virgil.

He went back to the dark side, sighing and plopping onto the couch. "Somebody looks upset. Did you accidentally eat a dead rat? Don't worry, I've done that too." Remus says, Virgil looks up at him slightly.

"Go away."

"Nope." Remus pokes Virgil's cheek and back and head, annoying Virgil as he said random facts that Virgil really didn't wanna know, soon enough he saw Deceit, jumping up from the couch and hugging him tightly.

"Everything okay?"

"No, no, no." Virgil buried his face in Deceits chest. "I don't think they like me very much." Deceit sighed.

"I know, love, I know." Deceit kisses Virgil's head. "How bout a movie night? And did you see anybody who could be useful for plan B?" Virgil nods softly.

"Theirs this character, Morality, he seems easy enough to copy, you could do it." Deceit nods.

"That's only plan B though." Deceit reminded, before scooping Virgil up and carrying him to the couch, wrapping his arms around him as Remus said yet another disgusting fact, turning on a movie. Virgil soon fell asleep, a guilty feeling weighing on his chest.

Broken Boy ; Sander Sides ; Prinxduke ; Transgender! Virgil AUWhere stories live. Discover now