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I love seeing people's comments it fills me with joy but at the same time it makes me sad cuz Roman isn't a bad guy alright-
- Grey

"I didn't mean oh! Like that don't be sad, I'm sorry!" Roman ranted as he saw Virgil's face fall. "I just meant, that explains a lot..."

"How so? Do I radiate Trans energy, Princey?" Virgil's voice was laced with venom. "God, you're just like your brother." He grabbed his jacket, feeling exposed in just his binder he went to cover himself.

"I'm nothing like him!! And no that's not what I meant just-" Roman stumbled over his words, walking closer to Virgil and hugging him. "I'm sorry, Remus was ranting and he said something about Deceit calling you 'Isabell' and I was confused cause he don't explain but now it makes sense."

"Don't say that name." Virgil mutters, freezing in Romans grasp. "And I guess it's okay, I didn't mean to snap I just...my whole word is shifting, Roman. I don't know who I am, I don't know who my friends are, I don't know anything." Virgil Gave up sinking into Romans chest. "I'm lost."

"Then you need a brave prince to find you! And I gladly volunteer! I can't tell you who you are, heck, I don't even know your name-"



"My names Virgil, don't tell the others yet please." Roman nodded before containing.

"I can't tell you who you are, but I can tell you who your friends are, me, Logan, and Patton. We're your friends. Not those icky dark sides. And we're here for you, Anxi- Virgil, Virgil, we love you just the way you are, alright?" Virgil nodded, words beyond him.

"Thank you. Thanks a lot." He finally managed to say, sniffling a bit.

"Of course!! And I have a question." Roman smiled brightly, loosening his hold on Virgil.


"Can I turn this into an episode? Not all of this obviously, but like you ducking out and then we can all make sure you know you're accepted! Your redemption arc!! Pleaseeeeeee!" Virgil was silent for a moment, but one look at Romans energetic face and he nodded.

"Yeah, sure, my names still a secret though and so is the other thing." Roman nodded.

"Of course, that's your thing to say, not mine, querido." Roman winked, letting go of Virgil.

"What does that mean? What did you call me?" Virgil rose an eyebrow.

"It's Spanish, don't worry about it, my emo nightmare." Roman ran out to go work on the script for Accepting Anxiety.

Roman called Virgil Darling

I'm turning this into Prinxiety cause you can't stop me

It's not over yet my lovelies! I promise we got more in-store

- Grey

Broken Boy ; Sander Sides ; Prinxduke ; Transgender! Virgil AUWhere stories live. Discover now