We entered the elevator and got off at the living room. The doors dinged open and I heard some pretty loud snoring. I raised my eyebrows in surprise.

"How many people are even here?" I wondered out aloud.

We walked in and I surveyed my surroundings. Thor was sprawled on a couch, snoring loudly, holding a bottle of beer in his hand. Clint, Natalie and Tony were on the carpeted, all of them with over-sized headphones on. On another couch, head buried in pillows, was whom I suspected was Bruce.

Melissa wrinkled her nose in disgust. "How loudly can a man snore?"

"Actually he's a god, remember?" I reminded her.

"Yeah but still. Anyways, where are the others?"

Wanda shrugged. "In their rooms, probably."

"They all are except for Mr Barnes, who is in the gym," JARVIS confirmed.

I checked my watch. It was already 4.30 p.m. A little early for a workout, but who am I to judge? I don't even work out. I'm skinny and weak as fuck.

"Can I get you three a drink or something to eat?" Wanda offered.

"I'm good, thanks," I replied.

"Some water for this guy over here." Melissa said, referring to Mikey. "I'm fine."

Wanda got some water for Mikey. "Thank you, Scarly!"

She smiled. "Well, since they're all asleep, what do you guys wanna do?"

"Can we go meet the Winter Soldier?" Melissa asked.

"Sure. You're up, Kean?"

"I want to go and meet him, actually." I said. I really liked the Winter Soldier a lot. He was one of my favourites. "But oh my fucking social anxiety."

"That's definitely a yes," Melissa said. "Let's go!"

"Oh, and don't call him Bucky," Wanda said. "He goes by James. He doesn't like people calling him Bucky."

"Oh okay. But before that," I stared desperately at Melissa. "why do you do this to me?"

"Because fuck your social anxiety. We're gonna go meet him."

She yanked my hand and practically dragged me to the elevator. I looked at Wanda pleadingly. Help me. I thought.

"No way," Wanda said, leading us to the elevator. "You two are so cute together, ya'll would make a cute couple."

"I-I-" My voice cracked, remembering the love of my life.

Wanda noticed my reaction. Her gleeful expression melted, realizing the truth. "Oh. Oh my god, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean that, I was just-"

"It's okay," I lied. I did my best to block out anymore thoughts about Booker. "It was just a mistake."

She didn't say anything else, which was better than her saying something.

I forced a smile. "Let's go, shall we?"

I entered the elevator followed by Melissa, Mikey, Boots and Wanda. As the elevator doors closed, I suddenly felt very claustrophobic. I could barely breathe. My throat felt as if it was closing up. My palms felt clammy. I felt super nervous about meeting the Winter Soldier. It was the freaking Winter Soldier! I loved the Winter Soldier! This was a bad idea. Why did I agree to come to this? Ugh, I should have stayed at home. I shouldn't even have gone to the bakery. I should have just stayed at home-

"Hey." Melissa gripped my hand tightly. "It's okay. It's all okay."

"I-I," I stuttered. I took a few deep breaths to calm myself down. I then realized that I was sinking down almost to my knees, my free hand pressed against the wall. My face was beaded with sweat. Thank God for Melissa's hand because it was really helping me calm down.

I took one more deep breath before I trusted myself to speak. "Did, did I have another panic attack?"

"Yeah," Melissa replied.

"God, my fucking social anxiety," I muttered. I held back a few tears.

Wanda put her arm around my shoulder. "How long have you been having these panic attacks?"

I shrugged weakly. "I don't know. My whole life, maybe?" That wasn't true. I had panic attacks since a few years ago after I was forced to make a drastic change in my life.

"Do you still want to meet him?" Wanda asked.

I nodded. "For Melissa."

"Oh Kean," Melissa touched my arm. "you don't have to do this."

"Do what?" Someone asked.

We all turned. No one seemed to notice earlier that the door was opened. There stood the Winter Soldier was, just staring at us at utter confusion.

"Err...." I stuttered.

Boots barked in excitement. Without warning, he jumped up and pounced on his chest. Eyes wide, James yelled in surprise. He stumbled back and fell on his back. Wanda hit the 'close' button and the doors closed.

The moment they closed, Wanda busted out laughing. "HELP!" I heard James yell through the closed doors.

"Oh, he's afraid of dogs," Wanda said.

I couldn't help but laugh along. Soon, we were having our little laughing party, while hearing James scream for help and bloody murder. After a while, we calmed down. For some reason, meeting James didn't seem that bad anymore, now that Boots helped.

"We should go help him," I said.

Before I could reach for the button, the doors opened. A disheveled, hot mess of a soldier stood at the door and walked in, looking severely traumatized. I knew that look because I've been there before.

"Whose dog was that?" he asked in a ragged voice.

Everyone turned to Melissa. "Yeah he's mine," she admitted. "He's cute, isn't he?"

James looked even more horrified. "What? Cute?"

I chuckled under my breath.

"Oh, by the way, James, this is Kean and Melissa," Wanda introduced us. "That's Melissa's little brother, Mikey. And you've met their pet dog."

"Hey." He waved at Melissa. She waved back with a huge smile. He turned to me and was about shake my hand when he hesitated. He sized me up and, wait, did he blush?

I stretched out my hand. "Hey. Nice to meet you," I greeted.

He shook my hand. "Um, yeah, hi," he said softly. He was so shy, it was kind of cute. I felt my face getting a little hot. Wait, no. Stop. Dammit, Kean, stop blushing.

A voice rang out. "Master Sparks and Ms Palmer, there is a visitor here to see you." JARVIS announced.

I looked confused. "Um, who wants to see us?"

"I am not allowed to state who it is. He would like to meet you in the meeting room."

Wanda and James exchanged a knowing look.

"What's going on?" Melissa asked.

"It's time," James said.

"For what?" we asked in unison.

"You'll see," Wanda said, with no hint of humour in her voice.

She hit a floor button and we down to a floor. When the door opened, I found myself in a conference room, the Avengers all seated. Some looked a little tired, as if they lacked sleep. Probably due to Thor's snoring.

A loud voice boomed. "Mr Sparks. Ms Palmer. We've been expecting you."

Standing at the front of the room, was Director Nick Fury.

|Word Count: 1663|

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