Start from the beginning

"Indeed they were roo young." She agreed.

At the mention of they she gasped and jumped at her friend.
"Where is he? Where is rose? That lovely little kid. Oh how much did i want to see him grow up."

"Brother will be arriving around the evening." Rebeica replied her. Her eyes lit up at her reminder.

"Good" the green hills leader beamed.

As they sat down together and had fun talking about these and those things the atmosphere around the lone palace yard lit up.
Lady sherry had brought quite a group with her. It included her daughter and son, the chief herbalist Tiara and three guards, chiso, pauli and medrisa.
Time flew as they continued spending the hours reminiscing about their childhood days. Time to time they would include some embarrasssing moments of the kids too.
With the blink of an eye hours had passed. They would have continued a bit more if not for advisor minon's interruption.

"Sorry, i kind of forgot and kept you away from greeting the princes" rosemary apologised laughing hard.

Sherry shook her hand back and forth. "Need not to worry. Even i did not wanted to greet them stalling my old friend for sometime."

The two claw princes had requested their audience giving them enough time to catch on with each other.
When they arrived at a large chamber they noticed some people standing altogether in a corner.
They were the reason why the green hills were also called. Because the third guests had readily arrived following them. The sones.
Unlike them the sones had only three people attending the ceremony. They covered themselves in full black clothes,masks and bandages from head to toe. Even their eyes and hairs were pitch black.

"So the rumour about the seat of the leader crowned to a young girl is indeed true. She is barely sixteen." Rosemary frowned staring at the young girl with a small built.

"Apparently that was the dying wish of the late family head, their leader. Still i never expected the rumour to be true." Sherry sighed. "That child must be having a hard time."

The late leader who was also the family head of the sones died a mysterious dead. Before the last breath left his lips he announced that his youngest daughter be crowned the heir. Of course the family members opposed and were against his legacy and wanted the eldest son to take the position of the leader but they suddenly changed their minds in a day.
One of the elders had dreamt of an omen inviting the death of the next heir. Thus instead of sacrificing the favored to be successor they went with the fifteen and half year old daughter turning her into the sacrificial lamb.
When the other tribes caught wind of this nasty rumour they were extremely enraged. A leader was someone who had to be loved and have the support of the tribe.
But the lost souls had an unwritten law that none of the tribes would interfere with the conflicts within the tribes unless they want outsiders to participate in it.

The poor young girl was now forced into the ordeal and was sent here. The two men accompanying her kept their eyes on her alone, never leaving her line of view.
When they noticed the two tribe leaders they slightly bowed to greet them. The other two greeted them back with a slight node.

"It is good that the royal guests have arrived at the palace to attend the ceremony." Prince scarlarc addressed to them. His face rigid and still as rock.
While the younger prince kept glancing at the door as if waiting for someone. Soon the person he had been waiting for came through the door. Advisor minon held a calm face. He went up to them and whispered something into their ears which ease the muscles of the princes. Stepping back he stood straight behind them holding his usual and calm demeanor.

Prince scarlarc raised his voice as he spoke with great pride.

"The Dragon Lord, the king of the omega kingdom, the ruler of the land and the owner of the dragon throne shall hereby reward the awaiting royal guests with his presence in the chamber accompanying the seven Household Lords of the Claw family crest."

Everyone were surprised at his sudden change in demeanor.

The sound of multiple footsteps could be heard approaching the doorway. The sound was uniform and placid.
Soon the image of a person entered the room followed by another seven people.

Rebeica beamed in excitement. The Dral is finally here. They then noticed the empty throne that stood on the platform mounted by stairs realising that they were in the royal chamber.

The two younger princes bowed their heads in respect. The royal advisor went on his knees. The Lost soul tribes bowed their heads in grace. While the men behind him waited for him to claim the dragon throne that was rightfully his. Such was the imposing power and the respect a worthy king deserved.

With the flick of the fur scarf around his neck which fell onto his knees and laps through his broad shoulders he commanded them. "Rise."
Everyone followed his words and held their head up.

And that was when they were blessed with the face of the Dral king.
He had deep red eyes that was a proof of the royal blood he was born with. His pair of thick and black rigid horns spoke of the power and grace he held. His face was very handsome, like a masterpiece of art which attributed both the features of the younger princes.
He was beautiful and handsome in a manly way.
His toned body was covered by layers of clothes with long and loose sleeves. And a red fur scarf hung on his honey skinned neck.

No matter how one looked at him one would mistake him for a war god.

Even the uninterested tomboy who disliked boys couldn't help but be surprise in secret.
"Well, but he cannot compare to rose. My sister will definitely out rule him in a second." Rebeica shrugged her shoulders.

Not much seconds had passed since the king had arrived. But within the mere seconds his deep red eyes swept the length and breadth of the royal guests analysing the details he needed.
That was when a guard entered the room. Another group of four people followed behind him.

Rosemary and rebeica immediately walked to them.

"Oh yeah, i forgot about it. That must be her son. I wonder how he looks like." The king heard his youngest murmur to himself.

The late arriving guests removed their hoods and that was when another wave of gasps and shocks filled the chamber for a second time.

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