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The sound of bustling crowds mixed with the chatter of folks who were beginning their daily chores. Some were cleaning the house, some were setting up their shops, some were working out on their fields while some attained their official duties. Such was the custom of the dragon folks to begin the day with the morning sunlight greeting the omega land.
With the start of the day the market and the public institutions would become a public hub for social gatherings. Given the law of right to occupation by their ruler the people were free to choose their choice of jobs. A noble could become a farmer, a commoner could become a teacher, a lord could be a potter if he wishes to. Such was the freedom of occupation. Although the sight of lords and nobles participating in the daily lives of commoners was a daily occurrence the mere sight of the royals and the royal relatives who resided far away from the main city was akin to crossing paths with a miracle. Never ever had the folks ever been blessed with the luck of coming across any of the royal family members.
The royal family, the Claw princes resided far away in a majestic palace enclosed by tall and thick walls. Surrounded by dense trees the palace walls stood like a tree canopy blocking the view of the inner palace. And miles and miles away from the royal palace was another huge castle with similar built of the palace where the royal relatives resided in isolation. Of course the two households retained contact with each other but how were the city folks suppose to know the close relationship between the royal princes and the household lords.

Little did they know that the inner palace at this moment was addressing to an important matter.

"Lost souls you say? Of course we are aware of the approaching ceremony. But Minon tell me,how are we suppose to prepare the welcome of our guest when the ruler of the kingdom, the king himself is missing from the palace. And i doubt if he will return by next week, keeping the expedition of the western maze forrest on hold."
A man irked in annoyance at the news of the ceremony. He had deep red eyes. A pair of dark black horns stood on his head contrasting to the playful look on his face. His hair was tied into a long ponytail. His face was refined and handsome. Seated on a red chair with his legs crossed he deserved his title as the third prince of the claw family, prince Steegan.

Another man seemingly older than him sat beside him. His hair was braided into a loose tail. Just like the third prince he also possessed deep red eyes and black horns. Unlike the playful youngest prince his face was rather cold and icy. His nose was long and his jawline was refined. His face was such that it looked as if god had made his face to crown him the most handsome man.
His gaze was fixated on the person slightly bowing to them.

"Are you imploring that brother will halt his expedition and return before the guests arrive at the palace? I assume you had already sent a message to him."

Advisor Minon replied humbly. "Yes. And the Dral has sent his reply. He shall be returning at once. But he won't be extending the expedition. Infact, it has been completed."

The two widened theirs eyes at his statement. 'It has been completed?'
It was just three days ago the Dral had received the complain of the villages near the western maze forest regarding the frequently stolen goods of the villagers. The next day without caring to inform even his younger brothers he had just disappeared from the palace and ventured out on an expedition to the gigantic maze forest which was the home of the thousand year apes. A species of monkeys gifted with the wit of stealing. Although they were not much of a threat to their brother but to finish the expedition in just two days was really insane. Further more the forest itself was like a designed laid out maze which was why people often avoided going into it. The thousand year ape was nothing when compared to the bizarre layout of the forest.
Regardless it was a good thing.

Prince steegan sighed. "This brother of ours....just how could he be this reckless. Always going and leaving as he pleases without feeling the need to inform anyone of us."

"Don't speak ill of our brother." Prince scarlarc remarked.

"What exactly gave second brother the idea that i am speaking ill of him. I am just worried about him. Although we know our brother is strong the thought of him leaving like this unease my mind." Prince steegan refuted. He was about to continue his words but stopped mid way.

With a low gasp he asked the advisor,"Don't tell me that this news had already left the palace walls?"

"No third prince. Only the three of us present here know of this matter."

Steegan sighed in relief at his reply.
"If this news were to travel to her ears she would definitely explode in rage, even daring to lecture our elder brother."

Scarlarc flinched at the mention of her. She was the only person who was daring enough to lecture the Dral, the king of the omega kingdom for hours. She was the eldest cousin of the claw brothers who resided faraway, at the royal castle.

"Don't worry second and third prince. Lady prisci is unaware of the Dral's absence ." Advisor minon assured them to ease their nerves.

"Good. Since elder brother will be returning we shall take care of the major preparations relating to the ceremony. Once brother arrives we shall receive the guests."
Minon was more than pleased at the princes resolve thanking the gods that they were ready to participate in the hundred year ceremony.

Meanwhile the so called elder brother was still inside the maze forest getting rid of a pile of dead creatures. He flicked his fingers and at the command of his eyes the dead creatures were caught on fire engulfed by dark and black misty flames. Within the blink of an eye the heap of creatures were disposed off. Not even a pile of ashes or residuals were left behind.
With the matter being taken care off his silhouette left the forest.
Mounting on his dragon horse the handsome man, like a war god took off the land and dove up to soar in the blue sky on his ride, Anna.

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