Nep Vs Con

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As Adult Nep was running back to the Planeptune Basilicom, she was currently being chased by Barricade who just happened to be in the area.

A. Nep: *gasling for air while running* Come on how do I lose this guy.

She keeps running, trying to lose Barricade.

Barricade: Hand over the Omega Key!!!

A. Nep: I dont have it!!!

She knew that he knew she had it, but she kept hoping that lying would eventually work as she ran. Eventually she turned into an alley and hid behind a trashcan. As Barricade slowly drove past Nep without knowing, she snuck into a storage facility.

A. Nep: *sigh* No doubt he'll eventually figure out I'm in here. How am I gonna get away from him, and get this "key?" to the others?

She then spots grenades and other weapons near her.

A. Nep: Wow, a lot of weapons in here. Wait!!!! Me gots and idea! HA HA, HA, HA, HAHA, AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

*15 Minute Timeskip*

Neptune waited in the middle of an old abandoned street sitting in a chair waiting for Barricade. Eventually, a cop car came stirring around a corner in front of Neptune.

A. Nep: Yoohoo!!! Mister Alien cop car, over here!!!

Barricade turns his attention to Neptune, and begins speeding toward her. Neptune takes out a remote with a big red button and presses it. Smoke begins filling Barricades area, and he stopped.

A. Nep: *sings* Time for stage two!

Two torrents arise on the sides of her, and once the smoke clears from around Barricade, the turrents begin pelting Barricade with endless gun fire, causing him to back up.

A. Nep: Come on, your a big bad robot, you can take it!!!

As Neptune taunted him, he began to push through the gunfire.

A. Nep: That's right, drive towards me. Right to the landmines I planted.

As soon as Barricade got halfway to Neptune, the mines went off. Explosions sending Barricade out of his veichle mode and into an abandoned building. All Neptune could do was watch and evil laugh in victory.


While Neptune ran away laughing, Barricade laid in a pile of rubble, all he could think was "Ive been outsmarted by a human".

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