Now We Know

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* Timeskip, Next Day: Mohawk P.O.V.*

Man, I've been drivin around all four of these nations, and ain't NOTHIN happened. Except for this brown haired girl wit a strange plant in her hair got me mixed up with some other bike last night. Once she drove me to her house, I took that chance and sped off. Although, I've been in Lastation all mornin, watchin Black Heart's Basilicom ALL MORNIN. Of course ain't nothin happened, so I'm just about to move on. Until


Noire comes out of her Basilicom, Mohawk notices and drives into a alleway and watches Noire.

Mohawk: *transforms* Alright girl, what you up to.

Noire: Huh, Uni and K-Sha went to show Drift around Lastation. So its just me then.

Mohawk: Is that right. Ayy, Megatron. It's Mohawk.

Decepticon and Arfoire HQ

Megatron: What is it!?

Mohawk: That leader in Lastation, Noire I think? She all alone. Those two others went to show that Autobot around this place.

Megatron: Keep her insight.

Mohawk: You got it boss.

Barricade: So the one known as Noire is left alone.

Megatron: Yes, but I will have someone else handle this. VORTEX!!!

Vortex: *comes running* Yes Lord Megatron!?

Megatron: The CPU of Lastation Noire has been left alone. Travel to Lastation, and eliminate her!

Vortex: Yes Lord Megatron!!

Arfoire: HOLD ON!!! I believe that I will have the reward of killing Black Heart. Remember, if you help me eliminate the CPUs, I help you take the rest of the world. So he will be there for nothing more than assistance.

Megatron: Very well. Take her with you, however. You will comeback successful, understand!?

Vortex and Arfoire nod their heads, and they flew to Lastation.

*Uni, K-Sha, and Drift P.O.V.*

Uni: And this, is the gun shop. My second favorite place in Lastation.

Drift: Interesting.

K-Sha: Hey, look up there.

They all look up at where K-Sha is pointing. They see a gold and red chopper flying at a little fast.

Uni: It's going unusually fast.

K-Sha: With that direction, it looks like its going to the Basilicom.

Drift: *transforms* Hmm, should we go back?

Uni: Nah, it'll be fine. But, lets just stay close to the Basilicom just in case.

Drift: Right

K-Sha in head: Noire.

*Noire P.O.V.*

Noire: Well, I guess I'll just-

Before she can finish, she is interrupted by-

Arfoire: Black Heart!

Noire: Huh, you again!? *sigh* I'll make this quick.

Noire transforms.

Black Heart: I'm already dealing with one problem, I don't need another.

Neptunia Meets the Transformersحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن