"Yes, Jug wants us to go over to the House of the Dead to talk to Malachai. Tall Boy's over there already, Jug said he needed back up, he wants you and me to come," said Catcher.

"I'm sorry I can't, not there, no. Don't ask me why. If Jug needs you then go, but I can't come with you," I said.

"Ang, you're afraid of some Ghoulies, come on. It'll be fine, I'll be right next to you the whole time," promised Catcher.

"You don't understand. All you need to know is that I can't go with you," I said. 

"Please we need you," he pleaded. 

"I'll go with you, only if you promise I don't have to say anything or go in alone," I said, knowing that he wouldn't give up.

"I will," he said, getting on his motorcycle. 

Catcher tossed me a helmet. I swung my leg over the bike and held on tightly to Catcher as we speed away.  I recognized the building immediately. An old warehouse built with now faded bricks. Spray painted on the side was a skull and cross bones. I spotted Tall Boy and Jughead outside. I dismounted Catcher's bike and took off my helmet. I walked over to them. 

"What's going on?" I asked.

"The Ghoulies are waiting for all of us," said Jughead, as he knock on the door.

A Ghoulie I didn't recognized opened the door. "Malachai said he wanted to speak with the girl with white highlights. Alone," she said. 

I glanced at Catcher, he nodded supportively. "We'll be right here," Catcher whispered in my ear. I turned around and kissed him, before walking into the building.

I followed the girl inside, where Malachai was waiting for me. he was sitting on the black leather couch in a robe covered in skulls, exposing his bare chest He grinned when he saw me,"My, my, what a pleasant surprise."

"Why did you do that?" I yelled at him.

"Do what?" he asked, lazily.

"It is one thing to mess with me, but attacking my friends that is uncalled for. Mental torment is that the best you can do?" I said. 

"Well, it worked didn't it, you're here, like I said you'd be. And as for your 'friend' he deserved it, you didn't accept the gift I sent you," he said. 

"Why did you call me in here?" I snapped.

"Why didn't you accept my little gift, is it because you want to hid what you really are?" said Malachai.

"I don't belong to anyone," I told him.

"Wrong, you belong to me," he said, "Come here." 

"NO!" I said.

 Malachai stood up and walked toward me, "I called you in here because I think you need to learn, that your actions have consequences. Next time you upset me, I won't be so nice about it. How about broken bones, a missing eye, dozens and dozens of scars, and of course I won't limit myself to just him, I'll rain down my wrath on all of the Serpents. 

"Ok, fine just stop," I said, lowering my eyes. 

"See I told you, I have newer and more effective ways of dealing with people. I'm very good at inflicting pain. Now take off that serpent jacket," he said.

"Why do you care so much about getting back with me?" I asked.

"I can't function properly since you disappeared, you are the only thing I can think abut, I will not stop until you are back where you belong, with me," he said, "The jacket." 

 I slid the jacket off my shoulders Malachai grabbed it from me and sat back down on the couch. He threw something at me, I caught it. It was the Ghoulie jacket he had left for me earlier. "Put it on," he said. 

"No, I'm not a Ghoulie, not anymore," I said. 

"I bet I could bring you back," said Malachai.

"I bet you could," I said, walking over to him. I  straddled him and ran my fingers through his hair. I grabbed my serpent jacket in my other hand and leaned in close to his lips. Malachai sighed and closed his eyes expecting me to kiss him. "If only you had the chance," I said, smirking, as I got off of him and slipped my jacket back on, leaving the Ghoulie jacket laying on the floor.

Malachai growled and grabbed my arm, "You just made a grave mistake."

"Well it was worth it," I snarled.

"We'll see just how worth it, it really was," he said. 

I yanked my arm away from him,"My friends are outside waiting to talk to you. You might not want to keep them waiting."

"Of course, I do look forward to seeing you again. I've learn quiet alot from our little talk," he said.

"Malachai, you won't win this time," I told him.

"Oh, but, angel, that's the point of the game," said Malachai.

A/N: Vote and comment if you enjoyed and want more! Thank you!

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