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Tori's POV

Toby slammed the door behind him as I stood there in shock, my little brother is angry. I've never ever seen him so angry in my entire life

"He pushed me." I looked at Trina.

"He's never been this mad before." Trina said.

"I just hope wherever he's going he'll be safe." I said.

"Me too. But he seriously claimed you as his favorite sister?" Trina said making me glare at her.

"That's not important right now." I said. "We have to find him, I'll call Andre and see if he can help us."

We got up and left out.

Toby's POV

I was walking down the street back to Maya's house, I was really upset about earlier and all I can think is going back to cuddle with Lita. All of a sudden three guys popped up out of nowhere and surrounded me. I didn't  know what to do but prepare to defend myself.

"What's up punk!" One of them said.

"What do you guys want?" I said.

"You got some money?" The second one said.

"No!" I said trying to walk off but the third one grabbed me and pushed me to the ground.

They all started stomping and kicking me repeatedly, I couldn't do anything but take the pain. I then heard someone yelled at them which scared them off.

"Later squirt!" One of them said as they ran off.

I was just lying on the ground clutching my stomach. I then pulled out my phone and called someone I haven't talked to in awhile, my dad. I dialed the number and he picked up.

"Hello?" He said.

"D- dad... It's me." I barley spoke.

"Toby? Is that you?" He asked.

"Yeah... Listen... I- I just got beat up by three guys." I said while coughing.

"What happened, how, where are you?!" He panicked.

"I was walking to one of my friends house and these guys just came out of nowhere and jumped me." I explained.

"Where are you right now?" He asked.

"Um... I'm on River Drive." I weakly said.

"Okay stay there I'm coming!" He hung up.

The only thing I could do was sit on the curb and wait for my dad when someone ran over to me.

"Yo you okay bro?" He asked me.

"Yeah I think so." I grunted.

"Here sit up slowly." He helped me.

"Thanks." I said.

"This neighbourhood is rough little man, you gotta watch your back around here." He said

"Just to let you know my dad is suppose to be picking me up." I grunted in pain.

"Okay." He said.

"He's a cop." I said.

"Oh cool." He said.

"Yeah." I sighed.

"So what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be home or something?" He asked.

"I was walking to my friends house and I think I made a wrong turn or something." I said.

"Dude your face is a mess." He raised an eyebrow.

Victorious: The Younger BrotherOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz