Catching The Pranksters

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Tuesday March 11th, 2014

Toby's POV

It's a brand new day at school and my friends and I were in English class. Josh was in the bathroom and me, Lita, and Maya were doing our work. Even though I kind of almost fell asleep twice. I hope that there won't be any pranks today, because is this keeps up, someone could get hurt. And of course, right when I thought about the pranks Josh came in with some feathers all over him.

Seriously?!" He exclaimed.

The class looked up at him with confusion all over their faces. "Josh what on earth happened to you?" The English teacher looked shocked.

"Well... I came out of the bathroom and some guys squirted glue at me and then another guy dumped a bucket of feathers on my head." Josh sounded angry.

"You should go to the showers and clean yourself up." The English teacher said.

"I don't have any spare clothes!" Josh threw his arms in the air.

"Ugh! I've had enough of these pranks!" I stood up from my seat.

"I understand Toby, and once we find out who's behind all this they're gonna be in serious trouble." She said.

"First it was me getting all wet from the water fountain, then Maya getting gum in her hair, then Lita having a fake mouse in her locker, and now Josh is covered in glue and feathers!" I exclaimed.

"I'm with you Toby!" Lita stood up.

"Same here!" Maya stood up as well.

"Don't forget about Katie, she was pranked with a fake snake in her locker!" A boy behind me said.

"So were Andre and Robbie! Someone took the batteries out of Andre's keyboard and Robbie had marbles in his locker!" A girl behind Lita explained.

"Josh, did you see who did this to you?" The English teacher asked.

"No because they all were wearing ski masks." Josh explained. "I do know that it was three of them."

"We're gonna get to the bottom of it, but go to Lane and he'll lend you some clean clothes." She told him.

Josh walked out of the classroom and we continued our work. Gosh, these pranks have gotten bad. I just wish they would be caught already.


As we were at lunch, Tori came over and sat with us to tell us that someone else got pranked.

"Hey, did y'all hear?" She she looked back and forth at us.

"What?" Us four slowly said.

"Jade got pranked!" She exclaimed.

"Oh no." Lita face palmed.

"What happened to her?" Maya asked.

"Someone shaved her eyebrows!" Tori said.

"Yikes." Josh said.

I pretended to look upset for her. "Oh that's terrible." I said while trying not to laugh.

"Toby, I sense a little sarcasm." Tori folded her arms.

"Sarcasm? No way. I do feel bad for her." I grinned.

"Toby." She glared at me.

"I do honestly! Did she look surprised?" I did a cheesy smile.

Tori, Lita, and Maya wrinkled their noses at me. But Josh looked as if he was about to laugh at my joke.

"Fine, I'm sorry." I chuckled.

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