Lita's Bad Night

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Saturday March 22nd, 2014

Toby's POV

It's time to go on the Zoo trip! Today, I feel one hundred percent better now! No more sickness for me. My throat isn't sore anymore, my stuffiness is gone, my cough is gone, my headache is gone, my body aches and chills are gone, and my nose isn't runny anymore! I feel great! It's six thirty in the morning, I have to be at the school by eight. I took a shower, ate breakfast, brushed my teeth, and headed downstairs where Tori was waiting for me.

"Good morning Tori!" I said with happiness.

"Good morning Toby, glad to see that you're feeling a lot better now." She said.

"Yup, I feel great and I'm ready to go!" I said.

"Alright, let's get you to the school." She grabbed her keys.

We left the house and arrived at Hollywood Arts, there was a bus in the parking lot. Tori and I got out of her car and went inside the school, we went to the English classroom where all of the other ninth graders were meeting and I saw my friends.

They turned around. "Hey Toby!" They exclaimed.

"Hi guys." I waved at them.

Lita skipped over to me and gave me a huge hug. "Since you're all cured, does this mean I can kiss you again?" She giggled.

"Absolutely." I laughed.

We shared a kiss and she hugged me again. "You realize you saw me yesterday right?" I chuckled.

"I know, but I'm so happy that you got better in time to go on this trip!" She looked at me.

"Me too." I smiled while keeping my arms around her.

"Thank God that you're better now Toby!" Maya said.

"Yeah this trip would be boring without you." Josh said.

Lane walked in the classroom to talk to us and give out instructions.

"Okay everyone, this is going to be a fun trip for everyone." He scanned the room. "I want all of you to be on your best behaviors and don't wonder off alone, stay with the class. Do I make myself clear?"

We all agreed with him by answering him.

"Good, we'll be leaving out in a few, so just mingle and talk until it's time to leave." He clasped his hands together.

"How long is the drive?" A boy asked.

"It's a two hour drive." Lane explained. "We're waiting on the bus driver and then we can go."

Tori came over to me. "I know you'll be on your best behavior, right?" She raised her eyebrow.

"You got it Tori." I smiled.

"That goes for you three as well." Tori pointed at Lita, Maya, and Josh.

"We will." They said.

Once the bus driver came in, we were ready to leave. Me and my friends saud goodbye to Tori and we headed outside and got on the bus. The bus driver started the engine as we all cheered and clapped, and we hit the road.


We've been driving for about forty five minutes now, some of my classmates were asleep. I was sitting on the right section of the bus while Lita was sitting beside me next to the window.

"Isn't this exciting babe." She quietly said while squeezing my hand.

"Yeah, I can't wait to see all of the animals." I smiled.

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