Chapter 2: The Accident

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-Norman's POV-

The strong scent of french toast awoken me from my deep sleep. I groaned as I got up from the warm comfy bed. I shivered as the fridged air from my room hit my bare skin. I sniffed the air once again and immediately got excited. I ran out of my room not even bothering to change or brush my hair. I ran downstairs to see my mother cooking, my dad on the phone, and my favorite little brother in his highchair. I immediately ran up to my brother and put my hands on his tray while I looked at him and smiled, "Hi Sammy!" He giggled as he clapped his hands while repeating Norm over and over again. I smiled at his little words and went up to my mom as I hugged her from behind. "Morning Norman." She said as she pat my head. "Mornin'," I said. I ran up to my dad and hugged him, but didn't say anything considering that he was on the phone. He ruffled my hair while continuing to talk to the unknown person, "Hey breakfast is ready!" Mom said as she made plates. I quickly grabbed Sammy's highchair and pulled it close to where I was sitting. A plate of food was placed right in front of me while little pieces of french toast was given to Sam. I began eating as I watched Sammy play with his. "Norman, when you're done eating, go get dressed and brush your hair and teeth because we're leaving in a bit. I nodded as I continued to eat.

After I finished eating, I ran up to my room to get dressed and to brush my hair. I ran to the bathroom to brush my teeth. "Norman! Are you almost done!?" My mother yelled. I took the toothbrush out of my mouth to yell back. "Yeah!" I said while spitting out the foamy substance and washed the grotesque top of the toothbrush. I quickly used the mouthwash to clean off any excess toothpaste from my mouth and ran downstairs to see my little brother in his cute overalls while crawling on the floor. Mom looked up at me and smiled, "You ready?" I nodded, "Yeah!" I ran down the stairs and picked him up while hugging him and swinging him around. Lydia smiled at me, "Aw, I'm glad you two are getting along!" I smiled at the comment. "Yep!" I hugged my brother again as he repeatedly said Norm.

I continued to play with Sammy as my mom watched us. "Alright, you guys ready to go?" My father said hanging up the phone. I nodded even though I had no clue where we were going. My mom took my brother from me as I stood up. "Go get in the car Norm." I nodded.

I got in the car as my mom helped Sammy in his. Since I was sitting in the seat behind him, I could see his little babyish smile. After my mom and dad got in, the car began to start. The engine roared with life, and I sat back in my seat.

I was talking to my brother, as he continuously began to babble his words. Everything seemed fine, until the sound of a horn and tires screeching could be heard.

I woke up to the strong smell of smoke and the piercing sound of sirens. It didn't take me long to realize the situation I was in. I looked around to see the once clear windows smashed into tiny pieces. Despite it, I could still make out the sight of police cars around us. I soon realized that the car was on its side. Whoever caused this must have hit the car very hard. Once I regained my strength, I unbuckled my seatbelt and tried to make my way to my brother. The smoke blinded me and the deep cuts fro the glass only made it worse. Despite this, I was still able to find my brother. He was sleeping silently in his car seat, most likely knocked out. As I tried to unbuckle him, I noticed some cuts and bruises on his cheeks and arms, but I knew he'd be okay. I held him tightly in my arms once I got him out. I looked around for a door that I could get out of.

I scanned the area for an exit in the foggy car, but I couldn't find one. I wanted to shout or scream, but.... I couldn't. I held my brother with one arm as I used my other to feel around. As if my highest hope right now came true, I felt something cold and metal, it was the door handle. With all my strength, I pushed the door open and climbed out. I looked at my brother to see if he was still sleeping which he was, thankfully. I ignored my surroundings and looked in the passenger seat. I was horrified at the scenery. My vision was obscured by falling tears and the dense fog, but I could still see the blood, glass, and burns. There was no denying that they were dead, I just didn't want to think that way. My life was crumbling to pieces. I was happy with the life I had, but somebody just had to take it away. I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up to see a police officer looking at me terrified and worried. "Hey, what's your name?" I opened my mouth to answer, but nothing came out. It's like someone just came and took away my voice. I was...mute.

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