One and a Half Years Later...

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Hey, everyone. 

Whoever has post notifications on and came here expecting a continuation of the story that I stopped updating almost two years ago, I'm sorry to disappoint.

I guess I came here to explain what happened and even give you some insight into what I had planned for the story (scroll down to the bolded list). I know this happens a lot on Wattpad and other fanfiction websites. People abandon their stories all the time, but I feel bad about it to this day. 

I logged on for the first time in forever onto this account 3 weeks ago and I was absolutely shocked and amazed that I had 10.1k reads and almost 300 votes. At the time I'm writing this, this story has 11k reads. I don't know why it keeps growing. I wrote it when I was in an intense Teen Wolf phase and wanted to share my love for it with other people, but it's crap, to be honest.

I last updated in December of 2017. If I'm being completely honest, I knew what I wanted to happen in the story, but I suddenly didn't have the motivation or interest to continue it. I don't remember when it was exactly but maybe it was the wait for 6A or 6B (probably 6B) that made me lose interest. I started watching more movies and shows and slowly drifted away from Teen Wolf.

And here I just want to say that Teen Wolf has been a huge part of my life, and I did end up finishing it, though I think I would've had a different reaction if I was still as interested as I was a year or two earlier. It's kind of sad, really, but I mostly feel bad for leaving the people that really cared about this story hanging.

Coming back to Lost is really embarrassing. It's cringy, the story is all over the place, and it's just very poorly written. I was happy with it back then, though, so at least there's that. However, I've written a lot since then and improved greatly as a writer. I won't disclose my other Wattpad account or my Archive of Our Own one, but I will say I'm doing much better.

Marvel is predominantly what took over my life, among other things. Teen Wolf still holds a special place in my heart, though, and I'm glad I decided to try my hand at fanfiction way back in March of 2017. It changed my life, honestly.

I'm not going to go into too much detail about what I wanted to happen, because I didn't have every little element planned out, but here is a vague list of the things that were supposed to take place:

- after the enemy pack tells Scott about Derek's secret, Scott confronts Derek about it in the following chapter

- Derek, as it turns out, long ago was working with the enemy pack and he was on good terms with them until he betrayed them to an enemy and caused them to be almost completely wiped out by an evil force

- Lydia manages to get into Stiles's head by reminding him of all the success and great times he had as a human. She tells him about how much his friends and father love him, and he listens and starts to re-think everything until a member of the pack comes in and takes him away

- he returns hours later looking beaten up, but if he was brainwashed before, there's no going back now

- Stiles succeeds in converting Lydia and she becomes just like him, but it's harder and takes more time because she wasn't previously taken over by darkness like Stiles was with the Nugitsune

- murders and attacks spread through Beacon Hills, no one being able to catch the killers, not even Scott's pack

- they go back to the woods where Scott was in search of the enemy pack and come across them again, and this time they have a small fight

- Liam sacrifices himself to protect Scott and dies, the pack devastated by this

- they have a funeral for him, and Scott becomes even angrier and hungry for revenge

-after a sequence of events takes place, he captures a member of the enemy pack and tortures the information out of them and kills them after, Scott's own pack frightened by his actions

- the pack heads to Mexico where they must find a special weapon that is their only hope in beating Stiles and the rest of them

- meanwhile, Scott is grieving for Liam, guilt overflowing him, and he becomes slightly mentally unstable

- after the pack comes back from Mexico, Scott discovers that his mother is missing, along with some of the others' family members

- the enemy pack offers a choice: save your family members and hand over the weapon, or let them die and take a chance at killing them

(I'm going to be honest, I still haven't decided which one I wanted the pack to choose). In the end, during the final battle, I wanted Lydia and Stiles to somehow remember who they were, I wanted something to remind them. And then, as the battle draws to a close and Scott's pack is actually winning, Stiles gets horribly injured and after a sweet and sad moment between him and Scott, he dies in Scott's arms.

(Throughout the ending of the story there's a lot of character moments and character development, with the enemy pack, too, that I'm not going to go into, but trust me it would have been good)

I don't know if that's exactly what I wanted the ending to be, so anyone who doesn't like it can put down their pitchforks.  I can finish this story if I wanted to, but I don't have that much time on my hands and I wouldn't be writing it because I want to or because I'm passionate about it. 

Anyways, if the story is not what you all imagined or wanted, you can always fill in the blanks yourself, or even take this idea and write your own story based off of it! As long as you give me credit for the idea, you guys can totally take it and do with it as you please.

I hope this post gave you all at least some closure, and I'd like to apologize again for anyone wanting a continuation and didn't get one. I know what it feels like, and it sucks, but you have to understand the point of view of the author. We write about what we're passionate about, and we can't force ourselves to write if we don't want to, or the quality drops.

With that, I'm going to publish the very last part of this story, and if there are still Teen Wolf fanfictions being written, I hope you guys find a complete and quality story, and if not, write your own! Who's stopping you?

Hope you all have a great rest of the year and thank you to anyone that read this whole thing and more so to everyone that read this shitty story. I appreciate every one of you. Thank you, thank you, thank you.


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