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"We're still going to the party," Scott said the next day at school.

"After what happened? I don't feel like doing anything that doesn't involve stopping Stiles and his...plans," Malia argued. "You've seen what he could do as a human, imagine him with supernatural abilities!"

"I need something to take my mind off of this. It's so much."

"Scott, your best friend is being manipulated and turned into some sort of monster and you want to go to a party?"

Scott rubbed his face and sighed. "I don't know. I just need a distraction. For one night, Malia." Malia gave up and nodded.

After school, Scott, Malia, Lydia, Kira, and Liam all met up at Scott's house before the party. "We all ready?" Lydia asked everyone. They all nodded.

"What if Stiles-" Malia started, but Scott interrupted.

"Okay, stop! Can we please get a night off? I don't want to think about anything supernatural for at least a few hours! My best friend has been...turned into a demon again, and I just need a break from all of this. Please, for one night, let's just relax."

"It'll be fine," Lydia said, trying to calm Malia down. "Even we need days off. Plus, I don't think Stiles is gonna be at this party. I thought he had other...plans."

"That was before we knew what he was! He may have changed his schedule now that we know everything. He knew we were expecting him at this party," Malia argued, finding more excuses not to go.

"Mal," Kira suddenly said, capturing her attention. "I know you're worried about Stiles. We all are. But let's just go to this party. It'll be fine. He's not gonna show up."

Malia finally gave in. They loaded into their cars and drove to the party, thinking they were safe.


"Go. Bring her here." He showed Chris the picture of a girl. "She's significant."

"I'll make sure of that. Where do we meet?"

"Back here. Just make sure you do it."

"Consider it done," Chris said. He turned around and left the room, leaving him all alone.


The music boomed as the pack entered the large house. People were dancing and talking everywhere around them. A girl in front of Scott tripped and fell into a boy's arms, and everyone around cheered and whooped. It was a typical party.

"So, are we splitting up or what?" Malia yelled over the music.

"Let's just have fun. Do whatever you want, but keep an eye out!" Scott yelled back. Everyone agreed, and went their separate ways.

Kira went with Scott to play ping pong, Liam looked for Mason, and Malia and Lydia went to get a drink.

It was hectic all around them. Boys and girls danced, screamed, laughed. Lydia cracked a smile. She hasn't seen so many people happy in a long time. Malia poured the two of them some punch, and they stood around and talked.

After a while, Malia said, "Wanna dance?"

"Uh, you go ahead. I'll wait."

Malia shrugged. "Suit yourself." She walked away from Lydia, found a group of some kids she knew, and started dancing. Malia seemed to forget about her worry of Stiles. That's good, Lydia thought. If only I can forget about it.

Where are you, Stiles? What happened to you? What happened to our Stiles? Where did he go? Why did he shoot Malia? Why did he become what he is? What's going on?

Lydia didn't know how to take it off of her mind. She missed Stiles. He'd be standing right beside her, talking nonstop about something. She missed hearing his voice. She missed his jokes, his smell, his look. She missed him.

The world seemed different without him.

Lydia sighed and looked around. Malia wasn't there anymore. She didn't see anyone she knew. Lydia weaved through the crowd of drunk teenagers, looking for her friends. She saw no one.

Then, something caught Lydia's eye. It was a man. A familiar man. She's seen him before. Where do I remember him from? Where have I seen him?

And then it clicked.

It was the guy that Stiles was talking to that day at school, and probably the one he was talking to at his house. Chris, was it?

The strange thing was, was that he was staring right at Lydia. Directly at her. Lydia swallowed and tore her gaze away, but she could still feel him looking at her.

Lydia jogged out of the room. She dodged girls and boys left and right. Where were her friends?

Lydia ran out of the house an onto the porch. The night was quiet and peaceful, completely opposite from what was going on inside. Lydia ran down the steps onto the lawn, and looked back. No one was following her.

She turned back around and gasped loudly. Chris was standing right in front of her. He smiled.


"Leave me alone."

"Hey, calm down. I just need something from you. It doesn't have to be hard unless you make it hard."

Lydia pursed her lips. "What do you want?"

"I need you to come with me."

"No way, psycho!" Lydia ran past him and down the street. Chris ran after her and tripped her. She fell down on the ground with a shriek. She felt pain in both her knees. He pressed a claw to her neck and pulled her up. "Don't make a sound. If you do, you'll regret it."

Lydia didn't think. She didn't wait. She didn't consider the consequences. She just screamed.

Lydia Martin screamed at the top of her lungs.

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