~ Thirty-five ~

Start bij het begin

"Oh come on, we can't be suspicious of everyone and if Merkell was going to investigate our magic anyway then we've just saved him a lot of time and energy. Haven't we?" She stared at Merkell and she was still beaming from ear to ear.

Merkell raised a brow at the unexpected question, he too failed at trying to resist Emy's smile.

"Yes, you have, and since the decision was already made before this incident, I will begin teaching you three days from now. I must return home for my belongings and say goodbye to my family for a while."

He sounded sad but determined and my smile faded, "Couldn't you bring them here with you? Then you wouldn't have to be apart from them for so long."

Merkell smiled sadly, "They are much safer where they are, I know it and they know it. We will see each other again when this is all over."

I felt sadder after hearing his optimism, I knew there was a part of him that was aware it might not end the way we wanted.

"We'll train hard and try to beat Riltresik as fast as possible so you can finally go home for good." Emy stated with such an encouraging tone that I almost believed we could do it just like that.

Merkell smiled again and inclined his head respectfully towards Emy, the silence that followed gave the parents chance to speak up.

"Since you are determined to go ahead with this, we will have to prepare the gardens for magic training also. And prepare a room for Merkell to stay in." My mum didn't sound happy about any of it but I knew she'd get over it once she had recovered from the events of the past week.

"And we will need some privacy wards around the gardens. We don't want anyone else to know what they are training to do," Colensa stated with a slight sniffle.

"I will see to those myself and I thank you for your hospitality, this cannot be easy." Merkell spoke delicately and I knew he was using his emotional gift to ease the parents' distress.

They continued to make plans between themselves and we quickly excused ourselves, not stopping until we were on the other side of the house, near the ballroom.

I huffed and leaned against a wall, "Well that went horribly."

"It's just because they didn't meet her, it would sound weird to anyone else. I mean, think about exactly what we told them less than an hour after I miraculously woke up from a magic induced coma."

Emy had a point and the guys nodded their agreement.

"We have a few days to relax and recharge then," Kayle said from his position near the big double doors to the ballroom.

"Yeah, and that reminds me, we have something to talk about," Emy suddenly advanced on Kayle and he backed up.

"We do? And what would that be?" He sounded extra nervous.

I grinned widely at how quickly Emy bounced back, she took everything in her stride.

"Apparently there's a letter I need to know about?" Emy was smirking so widely I thought her face would split.

Kayle turned the colour of sunburn and started stammering, "No, you... how? Cassie?"

He looked at me questioningly and I held my hands up in defence.

"It wasn't me I swear, I haven't even had the chance," I chuckled at his loss for words.

"Nenny showed me when she 'caught me up', and you weren't even going to tell me?"

She was halfway between mock outrage and amusement as Kayle squirmed under the onslaught of her questions.

They spent ages going back and forth about Sabella, and now that Blaike and Kaleb knew it only added fuel to the fire. It was a strangely enjoyable evening together, we ate our meal as a group while the parents and Merkell were elsewhere.

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