Chapter 15

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With the guard and Ada's family

Little did they know, someone had saw them, and they were being followed. A stranger dressed in a hood jumped off the tree onto the guard.
"Tsk, you really thought you can get away so easily?"
The guard quickly got up knocking the stranger down, the guard held a sword to the strangers neck.
Guard: Who are you?
????: You know, that defeats the whole process of being unknown?
Guard: What?

???? looked at the guard at the guard froze.
Guard: Wh...what the?! I..I ca..can't move!
????: that's the point sweetheart, I don't get paid enough for this.

???? knocks the guard out and then Ada's family, who was dumb enough not to run away, or it was for the plot.

(My narrator broke the 4th wall:/)

The 3 woke up in a dungeon. The guard tried to find ways to escape, but none of them worked, there was no way of freedom.

???? told the king about this, the king sent Ada to the dungeon to his quote on quote words, rot with her love ones.

Virgil spent the rest of the days in his room, he was terrified to go out.

Back at Roman's kingdom.
Roman's P.O.V
I haven't heard from Ada in days, as well her family hasn't arrived nor the guard. I'm sure they got caught, I hope their alright, I hope Virgil is alright.

I have nothing left to do than to go save them myself. I started getting ready to go out. I have told Logan about my plan, and he keeps convincing me not to go and he will send a small group of guards. I kept on insisting I should go, I plan to be the hero of this story, to save my damsel in distress.

But that didn't go as a plan or hoped.

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