Chapter 14

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It was the night Ada was going to sneak her family out of the village. She was on the way to her home in the village after sneaking out.
She knocked on the door quietly.
??? opened the door
???:Ada? What are you doing here?
Ada: Jared! Grab Michael, I'm going to get us out of here.
Jared: ...really?
Ada: Yes! I have a guard from a different kingdom waiting for us, but I can't go with you guys, not until another few days, maybe less.
Jared: Alright, do we need to bring anything?
Ada: A few clothes and valuables
Jared: Alright, give us a few minutes.

6 minutes later, Jared and Michael stepped out of the house with 3 bags.
Michael: Hi mom..
Ada: Hello son, come, we must go quickly.

The three went to the front gate of the village, the guards there were for some-reason sleeping. They quietly walked passed the guards, Ada tried to spot the guard and she did.

Ada and the guard talked a bit, before Ada kissed Jared goodbye and hugged her son. Jared and Michael disappeared into the woods with the guard back to Roman's kingdom.

Ada quickly tried to return herself back to Virgil's room. Once she did, she saw Virgil peacefully sleeping, she smiled to herself. Virgil was like a second son to her, she loved him so much.

Now, she had to make a plan to to get Virgil out of here without being spotted, this may take a while to think.

(Sorry for a short chapter, I'm currently going through writer block😓)

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