Chapter 15

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Pinto Valley, Southern Oregon

Faldecto set the table and stepped back to the other side where he folded his hands and waited. Lisandra eyed him curiously while picking at the aluminum foil wrapped around her cheeseburger, her uniform still stained with blood and grass from the night's game.

"What's the occasion?" she wondered.

"In celebration of your efforts," he stated cryptically.

"We lost by four points..."

"And you still performed admirably, you should be proud."

"'re not trying to distract me?"

"I am not aware..."

"Those women who came by earlier," Lisandra quirked an eyebrow, "You know, Suzie's going to get pretty jealous when she finds out you're entertaining other suitors."

"I told you it was not..." Faldecto paused, then laughed, "Oh, I see, you are teasing me."

"Partially, but, why were they here?"

"I," Faldecto sighed, "I will not lie to you, but please understand, there are reasons why I cannot divulge to you..."

"They're not in danger are they?"

"They...That is their business, and I could not..."

"Are we in danger?" Lisandra pressed on, "Did they come to warn us?"

"Young Mistress," Faldecto suddenly rose from his seat, a sudden move that startled her, walking around the table, a hulking, clunking mass of hollow steel filled with smoke, he just as suddenly bowed, prostrating himself at her feet, "Never," he whispered, "Not so long as there is life in this hollow shell of mine shall you ever know danger, nor threat, nor disquiet, such is my vow."

"Why do you have to keep doing that?" she complained, shifting in her seat nervously, "I'm not a Queen Regent or anything, I just want to know what's going on."

"And I am but a vassal," Faldecto iterated, "Command me if you must but...all I can promise, all I can swear to is my sacred oath for your safety, and all I can request in return is you allow this pitiful old man a single indulgence."

"Ugh! Fine, I'll drop it," rising from her own seat, shaking her head, "But please get off the floor."

"As you wish," he stood tall once more and glanced to her untouched plate, "Aren't you going to eat?"

"Actually, I'm pretty bushed," she replied, "Think I'll just take a shower and go to bed, um, I'll take it for lunch tomorrow."

"Very well," he waited for her to disappear up the stairs before tidying everything away.

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