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"Where are you going? That leads to the control room" Asano said, he was walking with Ai with or without her consent "There's a spa that way, I thought you wanted to go that way"

"Is that so?" Ai asked in innocence

"Oh please" Asano rolled his eyes "The chairman gave us a map of the whole ship while we were on the car, I know you memorize it, what is your business there?"

Ai stopped for a moment to think, she stepped forward to propose an idea to him "What if-"

"Oh lookie! Mr. Asano's son and a girl!!" The girl in blue pigtails said rudely interrupting the two

"Ah Ms. Verisa and her brother" Asano faked smiled "What brings you here?"

"Oh we were just trying to get away from the Greri's! May we join you if you're strolling around!" She annoyingly asked

"Of course" Ai answered and intertwined her hands with Asano's. She smirked and asked "Isn't that right love?"

"Why of course!" Asano faked smiled again "And while we're at it just call me Asano"

"Call me Sei" Ai said, rememberring that her alias right now is Sei Aina, it was very last minute made up name

"Call me Laura!" She said introducing herself to Asano

"I'm Philip!" Her brother said introducing himself to Ai

"Nice to meet your aquaintance" Asano said and pulled Ai to his embrace. He saw how Philip looked at Ai and he didn't like it one bit, he gave Philip a sideways glare but was not seen due to Laura suddenly talking

"Hey! Isn't it bad manners to pull that girl to your embrace? That's unfair! How about me too!?" Laura annoyingly asked, it was painfully obvious that she wants to be hugged instead

"Actually no, as I said before and I will say it again she is my fiance, me showing love to her is no suprise, after all our unlike other marriage partners, we love eachother dearly, right my sweet?" Asano asked and nuzzled his face on her shoulder, sneaking a lick and earning a flinch from her. Ai looked and saw his smirking face, he is turning this into a teasing game and enjoying it

"Hey how about you hang with me instead of her? What does her family do anyways?" Laura asked in annoyance as she puffed in anger, the words 'she is my fiance' and 'We love eachother' seemed to have not reach her ears

"For all I know she could be a model looking for a daddy" Philip commented  "Cause if that's the case I can be your daddy"

"Why y-" Asano almost charged at the man if it weren't for Ai still being in his embrace and tugging him

Ai pulled away from Asano when he stopped "I am from a family of informants"

"Infor- what?! Does that make a lot of money?" Laura asked seemingly having no clue

"Informants are people who sell information" Philip told Laura

"Sell information?! How can you do that? Everything is on the internet! You must be targeting some dumb people!" Laura commented, she stomped her way towards Asano and grabbed his arm "Come on, I'll get you away from this girl who's only a pretty face!"

"Actually" Asano gently pulled away with a fake smile "Informants sell information that is not easily accessible on the internet, or not in the internet at all"

"And it doesn't come cheap, if I remember correctly some people would even put their lives on the line because of how expensive and valuable it is" Philip said

"Really!?!?" Laura asked her brother in shock as he nodded "Can you tell me what color of underwear am I wearing? How about what color Philip is wearing?"

"Why are you dragging me into this?" Philip asked but was ignored

"Your brother just said it comes with a price" Ai said

"Waaah~ she's a faker~ can't even answer that! Ahhaha!" Laura chuckled and went to Asano again but Asano was quick to not even let her touch him, he quickly made his way to Ai

Asano leaned to her ear until she could feel his breath and seductively said "Do this free, I promise to pay you with something else later" he purposely let the two bluenettes hear what he said so they can get the message that they are together but it seemed to have no effect

*cough cough* Ai coughed to get their attentions, she had a small hint of blush on her cheeks as she pulled away from Asano "Laura is wearing a rainbow polkadot lingere on white, while Philip is wearing a superman brief"

"What!? N-N-N-No I am not!" Philip said

"P-P-P-P-Prove I-it!' Laura said

Their reaction made Asano smirk, he knew Ai wouldn't just tell them she's an informant and have no back up plan "I'm sorry but I do not want to tarnish your dignity" Ai replied making Asano smirk even more

"How do you even know that!? You're a pervert!" Laura said

"Oh? So you admit I'm right?" Ai asked

"Argh!!! Let's go Philip!" Laura said and walked away

"For the record this is called man of steel brief!" Philip said but Laura was quick to pull him away

"Yes yes I apologize" Ai said with no emotion at all as she watched them walk away

"So... how did you know?" Asano asked in curiosity as they walked hand in hand again, seemingly overlooking his suspicion over Ai earlier

"Every information comes with a price" Ai answered

"Oh? And I still have to pay you back for their underwear information, how many times do you want me to kiss you? Does one person counts as five kisses? Will I do fifteen if I'm included?" Asano asked

"N-not that kind of payment!" Ai said, she pulled away from him unable to cope with his flirting anymore today

"I'm kidding, how many hickies do you want?" Asano asked as he pulled Ai back only for her to pull away again and cross her arms "Oh you don't want hickies? Do you want permission to kiss me instead?"

"Don't bother me! Go away!"

"Now you want me to never leave your side? You're so needy, whatever shall I do?"

"Yo-... uh whatever" Ai said

S.A: Ghost (Assassination Classroom Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now