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(After class)

Ai didn't attack which made Koro sensei looked like an idiot when she passed by him and he jumped back, instead, she went straight to the main building, just to confirm something about the small incident that happened before she left, it's not that she doesn't trust the chairman but he reallu has this weird vibe that even though she was fazed she could still feel it. But being in class E, people were snickering behind her back, some openly mocking her, she paid it no mind and proceeded to walk to the chairman's office. While she was walking, Asano caught the sight of her, due to the curiosity in him building up when he saw people snickering.

Ai knocked on the chairman's office, after receiving a 'come in', she entered "Sir, I'm sorry to disturb your time, but I must confirm that the incident last time was taken care of properly"

"Ah yes, that one, no need to worry, it's been taken care of smoothly" The chairman said "But if I may ask, how is your first day?"

"Attempt failed. Reaction time was too fast to my liking, I'm ashamed yet I'd rather keep trying, however everything else was quite normal" She said, then suddenly furrowed her eyebrows, the chairman took notice but let her continue "I apologize but I must be on my way, I shall take care of any bugs roaming in the area"

The chairman chuckled sadistically "Hehe, be my guest, do take care and go easy on the curious cat" Ai bowed in response and went out

Asano saw the girl leave his father's office, but instead of going left where, she came from, she was going right, to where he was hiding. But why was he hiding anyway? Simple. He notice how his father took an interest in the girl, either being she has something weird to her, or she was on par with him academically. Although it was not just because of having a new found rival, it's just that he feels something off about her, something that makes him want to know everything about her, she's so mysterious.  He went to the corridor and walked like normal, to the direction of the stairs(going up) he could still hear a faint sound of footsteps following him, but suddenly, it stopped. He hesitated a bit, but stopped right at the steep of the stairs, he glanced behind him but saw no one, he looked again, turning his full body but still, no one. He shrugged it thinking she must have left, he turnex his back on the stairs and placed his arms on his hips to sigh, but as he did that, his right arm bump into someone "Oh sor-......" he was cut off when he saw her right next to him, staring him in the eye, he backed away but since he was behind stairs, it caused him to lose his balance and fall back to the stairs.


Of course she won't let an inoccent be harmed, before his head even hit the floor, she was alredy there and caught his body, almost carrying him princess style if his lower body wasn't still at the stairs "I apologize, startling you was never my intention" Luckily students were already out of the school so no one had saw them

"..O-oh.. no it was my fault for not paying attention" Asano said as he stood up properly with the help of Ai "Well, so I apologize for letting you see that, but why were you following me?"

"I'll ask the same one to you first, why were you following me?" She asked

"...I recall nothing of that sort, we must only be going to the same place, the chairman's office" He said

"Then why didn't you go in after I went out" She said

"I realized what I wanted to say wasn't really that important yet so I left" He said

"......." Ai looked at him, still skeptical that he might've heard something, but she was certain that he followed her, just that he was not in within a hearing distance so she wasn't worried at first. Asano raised his eyebrow awaiting what she'll say next, he was quite amazed that she knew he was following, but there was no way he'll admit to that....for now "Did you hear anything?"








"...I see, Sorry to distrurb you.." Ai said, she found that he was lying but felt as if he had no reason to share what he heard and even if he did, she felt like he wouldn't. She walked away without another word

"Oy!" Asano managed to grab a hold of her wrist before she walked down "What's your name again?"

"You forgot?" Ai asked, Asano was one of the top students in the whole school, she wouldn't expect him of all people to forget

"I payed no mind when you first told me your name cause I never planned on interacting with you again after that, but seeing as you were during and after my tour, you picqued my interest" He said

"... Seyri Ai, but just so you know, when searching my name, you won't find anything, for I have troubles in my birth certificate" She informed

"Oh? And what made you think I'll search for your name?" He smirked but internally he was amused and curious on how she knew that. Well little did he know that Ai is a trained assassin and have been in situation where people will search her name to find something to blackmail her, lucky for her no matter how skilled they are no information will come up on her name

"No reason for you to know my name if your the son of the chairman, you can easily find it at his office... unless you can't which lead you to this.. plus I'm in class e, I heard people like you look down on us, so you would never be interested in my name in the first place" She said which made Asano smirk more

"Let's assume what you said is true, why would I even bother to know more about you?" He asked

"I have some possible theories but no solid conclusion, I care not anyway, but pure curiosity is one of my best guesses"

"Your guess is a possible factor on why I want to know more about you, but not exactly correct answer" He lied a bit, actually it was sorta the correct answer, he was curios and wanted to know more about her but he wants to know the back ground his father told him about

"I'm sorry, But I don't get the point of this conversation anymore, there is no reason for you to ask me something that will inevitable reveal your true purpose and me being aware of it. It is either you have the desire to be found out because you enjoy the feeling" Ai said which made Asano frown that she thought he was a masochist "Or the sole purpose is to confuse me, which is.. if it is.. it's effective" She admitted which made her feel slightly embarresed, so a small hint of blush was shown at her cheeks as she changes from an emotionless expression to embarresed, but never broke eye contact. Asano eyed her expression, she was cute... to say the least..

Asano smirked at her reaction, he flicked her forehead, and although he received not even a flinch of reaction, he chuckled "I'm going to find you out more either way. Keep assuming if you want"

S.A: Ghost (Assassination Classroom Fanfic)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt