Chapter 12: The Phone Call

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Two updates in one day! Hope it makes up for not updating for a while.

Eliza's POV

It had been four days since Hayden was supposedly killed and almost everything had been going according to plan. In fact, the few things that had gone wrong had all ended up working in our favour.

You see, as I left school a bit later than planned, lots of people saw me walking out of the school. The field is in the same direction as the parking lot, meaning people were beginning to wonder if I killed him.

Lily had also been seen walking back into school so students were also speculating that we were in it together, exactly as we wanted.

Hayden's car had been seen driving through the gates by a few students who had reported it to the police when asked about the incident. So our plan was going pretty well.

Unfortunately, whoever was trying to take over Hayden's gang hadn't yet made a move so it was still a waiting game for us all.

Hayden was living in a old house on the outskirts of town with Ash. She was a really kind girl and aways did everything she could to make sure the plan ran smoothly. I think she tried to play it all off as if it was all a game but deep down I knew she knew something not so pretty was occurring. But that is part of what made her so endearing. She was always so sweet to Lily and I, even though we hadn't actually seen each other that much.

You see, once the police found Hayden's car the day after the incident, Lily and I decided to further suspicions that one of us was the killer.

We staged a massive argument in which Lily basically shouted that I was wrong to pull the trigger, in front of the whole school.

All this meant that I wasn't very surprised when I was brought into the station by the police for questioning.

"Miss. Smith," the police officer in charge of my questioning began "where were you on..."

"I refuse to answer any questions without my lawyer present." I stated, cutting the officer off.

"Alright, well, I believe he is on his way. We will return once he has arrived." He huffed, more than slightly annoyed.

I nodded, smirking slightly as he walked out of the room.

A few minutes later, a thin man who I believe was my lawyer arrived. I mean, I've never had use for a lawyer before. Any questioning would be through bigger organisations such as the CIA or MI5.

He gave me some stupid speech about not answering this and that and there not being enough evidence but I didn't really bother to listen. I knew what I was doing and I just called him to waste time. The longer this went on, the longer the traitor had to make a move and the sooner Hayden could come out of hiding.

As soon as the officer walked into the room, I began talking.

"I bunked fifth period. Last time I checked, that is not a crime. I drove out of school and went home. End of story. What else do you need?"

The officer seemed a bit surprised by my sudden out burst.

"Well several witnesses have given statements saying that you and a Miss. Reeds were talking rather aggressively to one another saying, and I quote, "You never should have pulled the trigger in the first place. What were you thinking?" Can you explain these statements, especially when they are coupled with the information that you were both seen near the area where the gunshot, rumoured to have killed Hayden Blake, was fired?"

"You don't need to answer that." My lawyer rushed to say, perhaps realising this case wasn't as straightforward as it appeared.

I ignored him and replied "Lily and I were talking about a game we were playing the previous day and I already told you I was bunking."

There were many more trivial questions about the events of that day and when I finally was released I was glad it was still light out.

I noticed that I had several missed calls from Owen and from Mr. Black. Once I got home I found a note saying Lily had gone to get something to eat and I called Owen back.

(Bold is Eliza, italics is Owen)

Hey Lily!

Hey Owen! What were you calling me about?

Oh right. Well, the thing is Cody is acting weird. He's bossing me around and changing the way things are run. He is making deals with people Hayden never trusted, and I know he has to act as if Hayden really is dead but he's almost got me believing it. It's just weird and I needed to tell someone.

Oh! Well yeah, you said it yourself, he has to act as if Hayden really is dead. I mean, he's just doing his job. Why didn't you tell Lily? I mean, I thought you two were getting close.

I, I asked her on a, ahh, date and, umm, she hasn't talked to me since.

I stayed quiet for quite a while. I didn't really know what to say. Lily hadn't told me. Granted we hadn't been seeing much of each other but still, it stung a bit. I think Owen wanted to change the subject because after a minute he started talking again.

Well I was wondering if Cody had found the traitor and was trying to expose him but I'm not really sure.

Thanks for telling me. I'm gonna go.

I hung up, shocked about the whole thing. Lily didn't date. Like EVER. It was one of her golden rules of survival. I didn't have much time to contemplate the thought though, as I got another incoming call, this time from Mr. Black.

(Bold Eliza, italics Mr. Black)

Hey! I haven't talked to you in ages.

Yeah, I know. You've been busy from what I can gather.

Yeah. REALLY busy.

Well congrats on killing him. The money hasn't come through. In fact the offer was withdrawn like they weren't gonna pay you. I don't really know why. Maybe he's just waiting as, you know, his body hasn't been found?

Yeah I'm sure.

It just odd 'cause we got a message a few days before he was killed saying you better actually do it. Telling us not to let you fake it or something.

You mean... but only... OMG.

What? Eliza? Eliza are you there?

Yeah. I've got to go.

I hung up on him. "He's bossing me around and changing the way things are run. He is making deals with people Hayden never trusted, and I know he has to act as if Hayden really is dead but he's almost got me believing it." The words Owen had said to me span, on loop, though my mind.

OMG! Cody and Owen were the only two in the gang who knew that Hayden wasn't really dead. What if he told the traitor too! What if he's working for him. What if HE is the traitor?!

Dun, dun duuuuunnnn!

Did anyone guess it?

Anyway, we have about four or so chapters left! 😭

I'm gonna miss this. But thank you sooo much to everyone who has/is reading my book!

See you next chapter...

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