anyway, congratulations to him

he debuted as the center, didnt he?

he deserve it, i always knew he can do it

i still like him until now, ya know?

so what

i dont care

yohan probably doesnt care as well



active now

park arinnn

you wanna go out?

im sorry

im not in the mood to go out

did something happened?

hana happened | backspace


dont worry about me

how can i not worry when you're not in the mood?

you're always on the mood

you being not in the mood is a big deal

lmao, what are you talking about

im just feeling lazy to go out

oh really?

yes, really

but are you hungry?


are you sure?

im hearing your stomach grumble from here though

how's that even possible? you live in another district!

haha just messin with you

but are you sure you're not hungry?

my stomach just grumbled

damn you


im ordering from the bingsu place at the moment, ill make sure to send some to you

you dont need to do it though

i can order for myself

but i insist

no malice

im sending it to you as your friend, okay?


thank you, aiden


active now

im hungry, you hungry?

pick me. kim yohanWhere stories live. Discover now