The origin of the crystals

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Everybody knows the importance that the crystals in the creation and worldly protection because wars, conflicts, plottings, treasons, surging and destruction of civilizations, kingdoms, towns, villages and cities, heroes' surging and legends have unleashed the possession of one of these crystals had ; But nobody knows as they created crystals or who create them.

To long the history of importance and the power that possess the crystals has gone away of the years transmitting from father to son between people and the ancient, forgotten civilizations, and the news that almost are in growth but what a fact continues to be is that all those civilizations have something in common and that is follow-up being a closed book to wholes who or the fact that I create crystals, some rumor has it that the espers, other ones rumor has it that they already existed from the beginning of the times and that these created the universe created themselves.

This last rumor is close to the truth but completely do not prick crystals if they existed from the beginning of the times but they were not crystals the stars were the history of how the stars became the crystals himself I originate long time ago in the beginning of everything before the espers, the devils, the humans, the beasts and magic exist absolutely nothing did not have only the immensity of the vacuum in the space, in the one that million billion stars which 2 were dying of were residing in they were them you declare more obsolete and elders of 8 german stars; His 6 sisters did not want to lose them and the 2 principals did not want to go away and to abandon his sisters, the young sisters were very sad they did not want to lose so that they began to look for a solution between the 8 sisters for what they decided in secret to take his 2 older sisters to do a journey for all the universe to find a solution to the problem a solution between the 8 sisters to his elder sisters for what they decided in secret to take his 2 older sisters to do a journey for all the universe to find a solution to the problem but they would have to lie to him to his sisters on the reason why were wanting to accomplish the journey because his elder sisters that since they resigned to his destination and they made a decision to remain to wait until you arrive his Hour and convert him at all more than stellar dust his young sisters decided to begin the journey just at that moment so that they addressed themselves to their 2 older sisters and said them:
Hermanas please go with us Doing a journey for all the universe stops than to the less When 2 Go Away forever have the satisfaction to see could have seen to the less More things than solo this immense sad vacuum and solitaire.

You beg his sisters to listen to this of his sisters they asked him "Why do you want to take us two with you to we? We are not so fast and strong as we were it you do eons if we live alone with you we would delay them and we serialized a load for you go away explore the universe in the time that still is them for to live stops than that way when to you also there come the hour for them they could have seen to the less, hearing, knowing and exploring the universe not stop for we go away be happy enjoy of life you who even have time " the 8 sisters to hear this answered their 2 sisters " the intention to accomplish this journey is that we may pass the time of life that is left at them you2 all meetings doing different things stops than to the less when both have to go away may do it remembering the time that we were near and experiences and happy moments that boards lived ".

The principals agreed to accomplish the journey in front of his young sisters' insistence; So that the 10 german stars embraced the way of fleeting stars the way of fleeting stars and they began to go over the universe they saw several different- color planets and size, they knew different stars, constellations, meteorites. But without than elder sisters know the minors asked each being either big or little, majestic or humble, vain or generous if they knew or knew any way to avoid his sisters' death; Unfortunately they answered the same thing to all of the ones that asked them always I seat you but I do not know anything neither to nobody that you may help them.

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