Part 18: Joining the careers.

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Time is running out, not enough time. I'm standing on my pedestal watching the clock tick down the seconds before our deaths.

Should I go and get something for the cornucurpia and possibly die, or should I leave with nothing and be safe for longer? I ask myself over and over. I'm going to the I can't I'll die, I can't risk it.

After confuring with myself, I convert my eyes to the other tributes trying to spot Maddie. When I find her she's looking back at me for a moment before looking away. She seems calm probably more than what I look and feel. I probably look like I'm going to die any moment now, which might actually happen.

I look in the direction across from me to see Cato, who's looking at Maddie. He looks determined, ready to kill. However as soon as Maddie meets his gaze, his body loosens, and he suddenly becomes calm and innocent.

When Maddie stops looking at killer boy over there. She turns to the cornucurpia with a look in her eyes. Knowing fully well she is going into the bloodbath risking her life, frightened me.

Don't do it I think in my head, please don't do it...


I love you Kay, I love you Maddie....


And were off, all I see is every tribute running into the bloodbath apart from me. I wuss out and I start running in the opposite direction into the forest. When I get into the forest I stay at the boarder watching the bloodbath happen. I see Maddie running for the bag and nearly running off with it when a boy knocks her down in the floor.

Please... don't kill her I love her!  I plead.

He was about to stab her when he falls to the floor, dead. I then see a knife dashing through the air straight to Maddie. She grabs the bag next to her placing it in front her dodging the knife.

Thank god for that......

She gets up off the floor and runs in the opposite direction into the trees.


Its over... finally. I'm on a bout the bloodbath which was horrific, has finished and the careers are now sorting out there stuff. Should I go through the plan? You only live once right?

I step out from behind a bush and walked into view. I walk up to the were the careers are; defenseless. I stand on a twig, as soon as I stand on it the careers heads snap to the noice aka me. They notice me and they growl before picking up their weapons. "What you doing here lover boy?" Clove sniggers spinning her knife around. "To help you out" I reply. They laugh. "And how can you help us out?" Marvel asks me. "To find my district partner Maddie. I know which why she went I can take you to her" I reply trying to sound confident. They glance at eachother. "Alright 8 your in. You better not be messing us about " "otherwise ill be become the meal" I reply making Cato laugh at me.

(A bit of twilight for you there lol)


"Let's go. Time to hunt down some tributes" Cato suggests making them all to stand up excited, I stand up behind them. Cato then comes towards me "here" he tells me handing me a spear which I take.

We walk into the forest as quiet as we can in complete darkness. "Look over there a fire" Glimmer whispers. They all laugh before creeping up to the fire. When we get there we all hide behind a bush waiting for the right moment. The girl is sitting around the fire trying to keep warm. We all walk up behind her, Cato gets his sword out which makes a clang. She turns round. "Please don't kill me" she sobs. We laugh. "Oh yeah? And why's that?" Clove asks her. "I can help you" "no you cant... You'll slow us down. But don't worry we'll make it quick" Cato says. "you" she says looking at me. "Please help me...... please?" She asks I look at her in sympathy but I do nothing.

Cato gives Glimmer the sword and she stabs the girl in the gut. "Ahhhh..." She screams. They all walk off but I stay behind. I kneel down next to her. "I'm so sorry" I whisper to her. She nods before her cannon booms. We carry on walking, Glimmer and Marvel in front with me behind them and Clove and Cato behind me, until Cato and Clove stop and whisper to one another.

I just wonder what about...

So the first Aaron POV what did you think? Hope your enjoying it so far.


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